So I'm about to buy a laptop, and as any good developer Im already thinking on what are the first things I'm going to do with it, so far I've this list:

1- Enter BIOS and make sure everything is right.
2- Boot and configure all the crap that Windows asks
3- Download and install chrome and uTorrent
4- Download Fedora
4.5- Format the HHD
5- Partition my SSD and install fedora
6- Configure my dev environment, IDEs, runtimes, git aliases etc
7- Install Windows in another partition.

I'm I the only one with a routine?

  • 7
    For step 3 definitely go with qBittorrent, and why not, Firefox.
  • 4
    Why not just download and put fedora on a USB and boot from the USB as soon as you get the laptop? Why waste time with windows if you're going to remove it anyway?
  • 0
    @ScribeOfGoD Yeah it is a good idea.
  • 0
    @nickpapoutsis what about deluge?
  • 3
    @ScribeOfGoD It seems like he wants a Windows partition, so his steps should be to

    1) Use the livecd to partition as desired.

    2) Install Windows as it'll overwrite any other bootloader otherwise.

    3) Install Linux.
  • 0
    You should just nuke Windows from all partitions and run it via libvirt with hardware pass-through.
  • 0
    Forget about #7 and use VirtualBox instead. That will save you from future hustle.
  • 0
    @jdoss @CodeBlooded Sometimes I have to develop in .Net (not core) and that means that maybe (hopefully not) I'll have to install Visual studio
  • 0
    @dontbeevil yeah in fact I just bought a USB to do live boot hahaha
  • 0
    @ridecar2 I haven't really worked with it but qBittorrent is already awesome (also, it has built-in search engine) and wouldn't easily change it.
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