
What a fuckin dweeb.

Bro is not a synonym for douchebag, and you're not some moral god for not hiring one.

  • 28
    its that woke-ness man, these idiots go at fucking everything
  • 26
    That's a weird post.

    Like some young child's description of good guy vs bad guy and so forth.

    I worry about folks like that, those who act like it is oh so easy to identify who these bad guys are...

    That's just not how it works.

    And I worry about who they would identify and exclude if they think it is that easy...
  • 2
    @Root take a look at this!
  • 13
    There is a little merit there, but that’s such an over generalization...
  • 6
    @rutee07 same. I see any bullshit post and punish the messenger that brought it.
  • 1
    He looks wasted or straight dumbass in that avatar. Duuuuurrr 🤤
  • 5
    nezt take it one steo further. pretend to be in the woke camp and stoke his paranoia and outrage.

    eventually with enough encouragement they always transform into obnoxious crusaders that drive everyone away.
  • 8
    Find some old once upon time cool word and demonize it.
    Cause I’m rich and can do what the fuck I want.
  • 16
    Bro culture sucks, but there's a difference between a sophomoric frat party and cabalistic work behavior. He honestly sounds paranoid.
  • 0
    His new name is Robert Sweetey
  • 1
    Wait! His new name is Robert Weeney!
  • 6
    Is this a real person? I’m really hoping it’s a troll account. Recruiting as a service? Wtf is that shit? Lame! Is he trying to sound techy? Recruiting as a service 2.0! Might as well call himself a talent engineer
  • 6
    I belive in most of what he says:

    - don't be a douchebag to women nor co-workers

    - don't cover up for other people's mistakes, that just hinders debugging

    "bro" was a bad choice of words.

    And sharing obscene content with their co-worders... well if they tell the bro not to and they keep sending unsettling images then I'd see a problem there, but if the co-worker is okay with it, go have fun
  • 7
    I would totally expect that guy to be a douchebag and extremely toxic to work with. Typical HR/marketing hybrid bullshit.
  • 2
    @Oktokolo: For all men, that a man complains about "toxicity" implies that this man is probably rather hateful and unpleasant.
  • 2
    Hey, not complaining about it. It is just how it is: HR is absurdly annoying and full of shit. Marketing is just full of shit but can still be fun to chat with. People trying hard to be seen as white knight almost always are even worse than what they claim to fight against...

    I am pretty hateful and surely can be pretty unpleasant too though. So i guess you got a point there.
  • 3
    @Oktokolo: Mr. SWEENEY is the man who complained about "toxicity".
  • 2
    I still would expect him to be pretty toxic though...
  • 1
    @Oktokolo: Re-read the original "for all men" comment.
  • 6
    I'm not big on labels... if I call someone a "bro" I mean it in a good way not in a "I know you'll lie for my sake when I fuck up" way...

    on the other hand, I'm not even sure what that post is trying to say? like... is he getting job requests in the form "Dude, give me this job bro, be a bro bro, I really need this job bro, I'll be a bro with you bro"?

    I can't imagine any other reason someone would post that... It's a very specific word to use and I bet someone really pissed him off and said something like "I need you to be a bro" or something.. dunno... I think I'm not gonna judge the person without additional context... he's clearly in the "woke" club because he needs to state his morality outloud...

    I agree with most of his points but you don't see me pretending I'm a paragon of morality just because I don't demean and bully my coworkers.. but I guess he just need everybody to know or something
  • 10
    It's a deliberately controversial post from a CEO of a company no-one has heard of, written so that people will share it far and wide and give the guy free advertising.

    The fact it's about "bro culture" (never heard of it, but I'm under a rock) is completely arbitrary. He's just picked something to try to blow his own trumpet and build up his company's image. It's an oft used tactic these days, especially on the likes of LinkedIn.
  • 0
    I think he is a bro. Snd has done all those things and now... a bro for him is a full retard mode asshole.
  • 4
    Ok I looked him up and seemed like a decent guy. He was a programmer and worked for ms and Netflix and wanted to help developers who were struggling to get jobs. I would’ve liked him more if not for this
  • 2
    O bro, where art thou?
  • 9
    This just reads like a gay man that got rejected by a straight man and needs to take it out on all of the dudes at work.
  • 5
    @junon this made me literally lol
  • 1
  • 4
    LinkedIn is a horrible pit of virtue signalling snake oil merchants. There is nothing of value on LinkedIn.
  • 7
    @daeda Sure there is! A self-propagating list of virtue signaling snake oil merchants and their contact info. 🙂
  • 2
    The world id getting polluted with this trend when words are being assigned a bad meaning and then used a lot, so much that they lost meaning again.

    Then people and companies go to social media to virtual signal, they think they are great and unique and against the world, so rebel.

    There is a saying here, translation would be "tell me about what you brag, and I'll tell you about what you lack"

    There is no need to brag about anything if you are doing the right thing anyway, if you do, then it is just marketing.
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