
"Finally I moved from Windows 10 to linux. I feel much more secure now"

  • 40
    "Ubunto Linux"
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    @byoigres Guffawed looking at it!!
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    Bit late to the party but welcome!
    Better late then never :-D
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    @Haxk20 Same goes with Windows 10. It's not the OS's fault if you surf dodgy website without adblock and keep clicking on as many ads as you can.
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    @LicensedCrime Sorry but what do you mean by OS giving opportunities? Ubuntu has executables just like Windows. Virus and malwares were more available in Windows simply because it has much much larger user base.
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    "its for nothing when the system is unsecure"

    Doesn't the statistics say completely otherwise?

    "windows password can be cracked in few minutes or deleted trough linux instantly"

    Are you sure you are talking about Windows 10? Also, are you saying linux password can't be cracked?
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    @LicensedCrime well can you block ads completely in linux? it's the same situation in linux. If linux had same amount of user base I am pretty sure it would be in same condition. Just look at Android.
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    Counting known vulnerabilities is an awful way to rank security of OSes.
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    @osmarks of course there's a lot of other factors. But at it's core, vulnerabilities speaks a lot about how solid the OS is. I don't hate linux at all. I just don't like devs mentality of saying moving to linux for security.
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    The question is: How many of those vulnerabilities were fixed? I bet almost all on linux and only a few on windows.
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    One thing I think is important to consider with Android is the number of devices that aren't on the latest Android version or even getting security update for that matter.
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    Note that this is the number of vulnerabilities found + reported.
    Also note that many of the Android/Linux vulnerabilities are actually libraries, some of which are used across multiple operating systems.

    Linux has features in place to prevent vulnerabilities from being used, such as SELinux, and AppArmour.
    Android also has guards, such as app screening both in the Play store and on the device.
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    It's funny how fake this graph looks like. Who the hell would think that Win10 is more secure than a GNU/Linux distro ?
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    I do believe all OSs have vulnerabilities, since there is no perfect code. Many of them are exploited using naive users (example, Windows grants admin privileges only accepting a box nobody reads)

    But I also believe that Windows may be more secure in some aspects, not because it's better coded perse, but since it has a large surface of attack (amount of users make it a better target) and Microsoft had to do something with the bad rep.

    It is my understanding that this constant attacking is the main reasons for so many Windows updates.
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    @QuantumAtom I'm not discussing or complaining about android here.
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    @cybojenix Linux kernel?
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    @tahnik, since the graph treats "Linux" as the distro, I've continued in that fashion
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    @ggromx What about the spywares and backdoors that actually was increasingly added to windows over the years and the amount of vulnerability unresolved there's is ?
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    Is the title "chart created by Microsoft ?"
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    @Berkmann18 about the increasing the amount of backdoors... I guess nobody could tell if the amount has changed, but if you are talking about the privacy concerns, it may be a sad reality the disappearance of anonymity as we users renounce (generalizing about social networks and increased website monitoring)

    But people sometimes forget about heart bleed.

    It was a coding mistake, apparently anyone could have checked (as it was open source), yet it happened.

    My point is that no system is intrinsically safe just because it's origin or philosophy.

    That is a fallacy we may want to believe.
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    @ggromx It's possible to tell if that amount has changed since it wouldn't be hard for InfoSec experts to find them.

    I agree with your last point especially when ArchLinux could also have vulnerabilities.
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    @fox8091 My god. No. It is way more secure. Also many devs are working on it. 300000 vs a few MS guys. Bet who wins.
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    What the hell? Ubunto? Where exactly is the difference between Ubunt"o", Debian and Linux kernel... Wtf.
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    "iPhone OS" *sigh*
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    @milkbytes There is seriously nothing more to say about that... I'm sure we all agree that this is just stupid... Maybe not the statistics (although i believe it is), but the diagram is definitly bullshit.
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    @vortexman100 This is what happens when you put people that aren't into tech processing the data
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    @vortexman100 well we're talking about the statistics here
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    I made a few checks... These reports (for ubuntu) are based on the public cve page from cannonical, while many other companies dont even centralize or even display their security bugs... This is like if you want to compare crime rates of two countries, one publizise every crime ever, while the others crimes are just reported by some people willing enough to report them... I strongly believe that the silent number of already discovered but not reported or publizised number in especialy ms products is much, much higher. There were, for example, some skirmishes between google and ms for that exact same reason. Now i want to excuse to anyone for being clearly linux biased.
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    This is taken from https://nvd.nist.gov/home.cfm

    Anyone can report a vulnerability in here and it will be checked. This is not limited to what vendors report. This is as genuine a vulnerability list can be.
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    @fox8091 True. Since windows is closed source, it can also not be checked for backdoors (by source code)
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    I think that is not corrent because this are reported security holes
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    @GoodRockqq And?
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    @vortexman100 then it isn't objective rating
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    Is this real? Linux quickly gets patches for vulnerabilities right?
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    @ReliantFever735 No its not. And yes, it does.
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    @vortexman100 Man you don't even know the difference between Ubuntu, debian and linux kernel.

    @ReliantFever735 It's taken from here: http://businessinsider.com/android-...

    Which is taken from here: http://cvedetails.com/top-50-produc...

    Which is taken from here: https://nvd.nist.gov/download.cfm/...

    That's the national vulnerability database. I don't how legit a statistics can get.
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    @tahnik I do. I think iwrote about that above somewhere.

    Except that for some reason it is differentiated here, with no real definition. Do linux bugs count toward Distro bugs too, as they contain the kernel? Or not?

    Face it, it's stupid. Just another tech media nonsense, which isnt backed up with any facts i could find, and i really looked.
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    @tahnik The information is simply not realistic, because Linux, Debian and Ubuntu PROVIDE this information, while MS and others do not. So i do not see any point in comparing them by this.
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