
Ah, let me open my half baked personal Android project. Maybe I'll finish it this time.

*opens Android studio*

"You have shitloads of updates. Please download and restart now"

Ok, makes sense. I haven't opened it for a month.

*runs the app*

"CoolApp has crashed"

What the fuck? It was all working before. WTF happened.

*half an hour of online research*

The google play service version is somehow fucked up. So let's fix that.

*App opens*

Yay! Let me login right away!

*Login via google doesn't work*

I didn't even touched the bloody code.

*another half an hour of research. Nothing works*

Fuck this shit.

  • 17
    Yeah I feel like I spend way more time researching configuration and dependencies than coding
  • 7
    @reduxtris this is so fucking true jesus I'm glad I'm not alone
  • 5
    The + at the end of the dependencies is your worst enemy... And some libraries want you to use it.
  • 1
    Sometimes I write ad hoc scripts in Ruby or Python just to feel productive. Working on a whole application can be a pain in the ass
  • 1
    Evil Google Play Services...
  • 0
    Same thing happened to me. I better off created new project and copied all codes in new files.. And build the project..
  • 1
    And here i thought,well, android development is not for me. Imagine what you went through, except, urgent bug fix and not just personal world. So now, i always add a few hours for possible ide issues
  • 0
    This is why I have up on Android development for my personal projects.

    My latest personal project uses Python on a raspberry pi.

    Vim never asks for updates 😺
  • 3
    So true damn ...
    Guess I should shift to something else...
  • 1
    Every time 😅😂
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