
How often do you do personal projects?

  • 2
    As often as I can
  • 4
    Whenever I am motivated enough and not too tired. So approximately every other weekend.
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  • 5
    Every other Wednesday in the month after a blue moon.
  • 2
    Mainly when I procrastinate. So basically like half the time I'm awake.
  • 1
    Anytime I'm in class
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    I have one that I work on whenever I get the chance, since 2017
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    @YADU it must be awesome then.
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    @qviper eh I'm still not happy with it until I can really use it in production
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    @YADU good luck👍👍
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    They're blending a bit with company work.

    So, every day.

    Usually I just wake up and think "what can I build to benefit our company", but I publish that code under my own name, as public, open source repositories.

    (Obviously with employer's permission, we are generally allowed to make our own FOSS libraries during company time)
  • 4
    Not much. Especially when I realize my personal projects are not solving real problems but mere flexing ammunition against others.
  • 3
    i do a lot, i finished none
  • 1
    I use all my mana on the job.
  • 1
    I work on them / one almost everyday
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    Inspired by this rant / question and @mabbott94's answer, I just threw a question in our work chat about side projects with a supplementary article that proposes the idea of work supported side projects. My hope is our company would better support side projects, self learning and exploration in the future.
  • 0
    In my mind, everyday

    Executions, zero
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