When I was in college, I had some serious knob-heads in my class. They kept on asking where they could download free movies.

So I made a .bat file called "free movies". It had a nice icon and everything. And placed it on their desktops.

What did it do?

Kept spawning message boxes that read "do some math bitch" and opening new instances of the calculator.

It was too brilliant to see people watch their computers crash, and might I add, crash slowly, because these computers had tons of ram.

Never click on "free movies" kids.

  • 10
    Well played! Everybody knows that there is no free shit on internet with name "free shit"
  • 2
    Ha! Always be suspicious of anything on the Internet, rule 1 of the Internet.
  • 8
    @joetj hmm not sure if I should trust what you're saying... 😜
  • 2
    "free movies.bat"
    goto a

    crashes my PC in a few seconds. Well, not crashing, but good luck trying to do anything on it. It won't even move the mouse cursor anymore after a minute.
  • 0
    Should have opened Last Measure
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