'"Chess" can't be modified or deleted because it's required by macOS.' This is a screenshot I took last year when trying to clean up unused apps on a mac. makes me want to try to forcefully remove the chess app, only to see which integral part of the system it will break.

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    Maybe it’s got some graphics library used somewhere else?
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    I have a feeling the system won't boot and when you look up the error code it just gives you "shouldn't have removed the chess, bitch"
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    It is funny, because I don't have such an issue in Linux world. For me installing/deleting application is one line in config file. Feels bad man.
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    The cheese cutter will fall off.
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    @Tonnoman0909 woth a gif of Steve Jobs replicating lemonparty.com
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    @danielstaleiny you can also uninstall the kernel, then reboot and see what happens.

    Remember apple computers are the kind of system you have to take to a "genius" for the stupidest reasons, so preventing breaking is actually a good feature that saves money.
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    @mundo03 actually if I would uninstall the kernel/ instal broken one, I would just rollback to latest working and revert the change. Seeing exactly what I changed in git feels also nice. Power of NixOS ;)

    btw it actually happened to me once or twice, rollback saved me.
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    @danielstaleiny i don't know if I have rollbacks.
    Wait, how do yiu get into your system to even do a rolla
    Back with no kernell?
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    @mundo03 NixOS supports rollback on both system and environment level. For system rolback, you just pick different config in grub or equivalent boot loader.
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    @danielstaleiny oh wow, that is neat.
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    @mundo03 Power of open source based on immutability and funcional programming. MacOS has some nice thing but Linux world has some neat things too, especialy for people who wants to tweak their system like me.
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    Shall we play a game? How about a nice game if chess.
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    @danielstaleiny wait.. for that you still need an older kernel. What if you uninstall all the kernels !?
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    @purist There is no uninstall in NixOS world, when changing or removing, you just point symlink to something else or not point anymore. Which makes it so you still have old dependency which worked. Therefore you can rollback to previous kernel.

    In NixOS you could have 3 different version of kernel installed, and there would be no problem. If you want to switch kernel you would just change pointer. In kernel specificaly you have to reboot, but any other application version can change in live system. Back and forth, etc.

    Yes, this all takes space, but it is okey, because you can run cronjob to collec-garbage which removes old dependencies and it can remove old pointers to old config. if there is no pointer, this would be considered trash, so you delete it.

    This is only possible because nixos store is read only
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    @devphobe greetings, Professor Falken! Wargames has been such a long time, I actually forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder :-)
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    God imagine if deleting your chess app caused your system to break...
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    imagine guys at apple.
    -hmm how to select which network connection to choose after restart?
    -Just use the queenMovement class from the chess.
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    That mac face guy in a warning plays it
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