Just got a lection from my manager.
Today he sent me an email with request to change validation on one field validation from decimal(5,3) to int which will be 5 digit number. Ok i did that, I changed it on UI, changed validation, changed mappings, changed dtos, created migration files, and changed it in databse. After i did all of that I replied to his email and said that ive changed validation and adjusted it in database.

After my email here comes rage mail from manager with every fuckin important person in cc I kid you not. Manager is asking why the fuck did I change database when Ive could only use different validaton for that field on UI.

I Almost flipped fuckin table. What does validation good do if you wouldnt be able ti save that form? And form has like 150 fields. And if I left validation only everthing would fuckin break.

Sometimes i think that its better not to think.


  • 11
    Press reply all, ask how many dicks he sucked to get this job.
  • 12
    Use this chance and reply with an very polite explanation. Don't forget to put all the people in cc. It's your chance to prove your skills arguing with others.
  • 3
    Yep. Senior software engineers and tech leads have to be good at training and justifying your decisions. You have the right audience on the email to show off...

    Just don't come off as condescending. Obviously the manager is a dick but you can't let him know you think that. Totally harder said than done.
  • 0
    Good old communication problem.

    Another way is to, before actually code anything, to backbrief what you are going to do.

    Either by stating "Before I start: are you aware that a change in the database is needed?" and waiting for an explicit go. Or by going ahead yet dropping them a message: "This feature will require a change in the database schema I am going to implement in order to meet the requirement."

    First approach might be misinterpreted as lazy, yet it helps avoiding miscommunication and ensures everyone is on the right track. For certain judgmental type of bosses, I only work with this approach.
  • 1
    Second approach is a good protection as you can point out that you did communicate your solutions and if they disagree, they have to challenge you sooner.

    In the end, it's about discovering and aligning different expectation. The outburst, while still bad leadership, if you two would have talked with each other.

    I don't know your software but it might actually have been possible to cheat the change in the

    You (as in your team) should furthermore challenge your definition of ready (what's required to start a task?) and definition of done (what's the acceptance criteria?).
  • 0
    I feel you bro... fkn managers tend to ask for stupidiest things because they dont know anything about coding...
  • 0
    Before any work is done, ask: where is the jira ticket?
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