
How good of a StackOverflow reputation is enough to show off on a resume? How about NPM downloads?

  • 4
    If it's above 10k ish then *maybe* worth linking to a Stackoverflow account as part of your "online presence", but definitely don't give a number. I'm at 60k ish and never considered putting it on there.

    Wouldn't do NPM downloads at all, personally.
  • 2
    Can put it on there and if it isn't 'enough' not sure it hurts.
  • 1
    @N00bPancakes It can hurt - it makes you look like you're trying to advertise yourself based on fake internet points, which some people take to mean you're clutching at straws on the application because you haven't enough "real-world" experience.

    FWIW I don't subscribe to that philosophy at all, but I know enough people who do to advise caution with that.
  • 1

    I can't imagine a more 'worried about fake internet points' thing than ... worrying about if someone else is worried about fake internet points.

    If someone reads a resume and is looking for good people and can't get past that, those folks aren't people you want to work with.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce something more concrete like "N pull requests to <relevant repo>"
  • 1
    @N00bPancakes Most folks you'd actually work with wouldn't give two hoots. HR folks who often screen initial applications are a different kettle of fish, however.

    ...and if you want to blacklist every company with a crappy HR department, you could be searching for a very long time...
  • 1
    I don't think any are good enough to put on a resume. Leave your github/other git site to show your worth.
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