Thank you, indian YouTube tutorials, your accent is hard to understand, but you made me get through almost all my semesters. ❤️

  • 4
    When the only tutorial you find about that rare feature and can barely understand
  • 7
    When your life depends on it and you skip the only available tutorial because it is in Indian-accented English.

    Even Klingon is more pleasing to the ear than Indian-accented English - at least before the reboot that made them lisp...
  • 10
    I remember watching several full minutes of someone explaining fourier transform thinking I had trouble understanding his thick accent before I realized he was speaking just straight indian while referring to various english terms.

    It was still useful and I sat through all of it. Now I can't work with fourier transform without hearing phantom "ok"s interjected every couple of seconds.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo I actually kinda like the accent, I don't know why
  • 1
    it's strange how i dont find their accent (or in general any English accent) difficult to understand, and I'm not indian.
  • 1
    I hate those, also udemy courses from them.
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