The recruiter in call today is a spoilt brat .

I answer him wether am I know PHP. So I show him my code in PHP (oop) I show should him how I build a restful API and connect to MySql etc.

He told me that's not PHP , PHP don't use define and class , and that's not how you connect to MySql (I'm using PDO) he confused that pdo is something from Java. He told my code is not working because it is java syntax (actually not even closed)

Then I asked him then show me the proper way , he showed me his code in PHP which is started by <PHP instead of <?php (this is fucked up)

And I told him that (after looking at his code), he yelled at me that "there's no mistake, do you really understand PHP? " And he ended the meeting

All this happen in a zoom meeting.

  • 10
    He likely copy and paste some code he found on the internet or some code he got from a stupid recruiter's manual.
  • 0
    @mr-user but he himself is a programmer he said
  • 5
    @johnmelodyme and you believe him :)
  • 0
    @mr-user no... I am confused why he do this .
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  • 2
    @johnmelodyme he said, kill it before it lays eggs, that is pretty straight forward.
    Or do you want more recruiters like that? Because that is how you get more recruiters like that.
  • 1
    @mundo03 I didn't say that
  • 2
    Too much effort for a recruiter. Also, this whole thing seems wrong.
  • 1
    @rantsauce Very wrong..... and I feel super uneasy
  • 3
    A simple google search reveals that php DOES have classes. I don’t know php so i had to look it up. If he’s such a great programmer, why did he choose to be a recruiter then? I would gladly ask him that lol
  • 1
    Plus good programmers test their code...it looks like his won’t even run at all...not that he cares as long as he has the power to scream like a monkey at real developers like you
  • 2
    @TeachMeCode obviously he didnt compile it
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    Yea you should maybe rm -rf him
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    @johnmelodyme What you write in PHP is interpreted by the runtime engine and is not itself compiled.
  • 2
    The recruiter's an asshole. Plain and simple. And you do NOT want to work with assholes. So he/she/it can rightfully fuck off.
  • 1
    @helloworld that depends on how you feel about PHP + JIT.

  • 0
    @helloworld but it doesn't compile !
  • 1
    @C0D4 this is a nice blog , thanks.
  • 1
    Didn’t you hear? MSpaint is the only viable PHP IDE, it’s recruiter 101!!
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    Help yourself by running far away from there! You can't expect perfect but a minimum is a must!
  • 0
    Maybe the recruiter had a bay day before taking your interview and he was in need to yell at someone to flush all his worries and you came in.
    This might be a case. 😉
  • 0
    I wanna KMS now
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