
Welcome to my live.

  • 4
    "uh... guies...."
  • 16
    Im amazed someone who’s getting paid actually sat down and thought this would be a good idea
  • 11
    A Boolean check on an integer named variable.

    With two equal signs.

    Oh boy, the radiation level says you'll have a lot of contamination sunshine ahead of ya.
  • 8
    First I thought this was about using guard clauses to fix the
    if {
    if {}
    nesting, then I saw the true || false ... how?? Is this an accident?
  • 3

    Nah... it's nesting.

    true or false can have a lot of meanings here thx to duck typing.

    Check if array index is set and != null
    Check if array value is "something" (1|0 e.g.)

    Most likely followed by another tirade of nesting and an exit() or header() - for redirect / termination
  • 14
    🤔 and no ones going to point out why in the fuck is the user id in a cookie!

    Why thank you good sir, let me go roll that ID around until I find someone of interest.

    2 lines, 2 ifs, so many things wrong, it's great, and terrifying all at the same time.
  • 3
    @C0D4 Dora goes on an adventure....
  • 4
    The amount of retardation in this code can fill a huge book
  • 3
    There is no good PHP code so just embrace the madness.
  • 4
    @TeachMeCode i see this shit every day from legacy code at work.

    These are some of the wonders that we get from drinking php and falling into the rabbit hole
  • 1
    @AleCx04 stories from the habit hole.
  • 1
    @hobblin there is no good hammer.
  • 2
    Are dumbasses hired to increase diversity?
  • 0
    I have something like this for knowing if user is administrator like
    Session == admin

    I cry and i quit the job
  • 0
    @jak645 why? 😰
  • 0
    False! False! False!
  • 2
    What worries me most in this code is lack of space after `if`.
  • 1
    @cprn we need to have a talk... XD
  • 1
    My eyes hurt
  • 2
    Schrodinger's Bool
  • 2
    @Hastouki i damn near chocked on my coffee reading this, you absolute genius you
  • 1
    Let's play "how to fuck it more"! You can add only one change and you have to change version from previous comment. Using http://instaco.de/ is optional. 😆 Extra points for making change "not obvious".
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