
Facebook videos will soon autoplay with sound.

It's like I didn't have enough reason to leave facebook already.

  • 5
    Good thing you can turn autoplay off. But still, that whole site is a mess. They even have profile videos now, wtf is that even
  • 0
    Any good Facebook alternatives?
  • 6
    I don't get why it's a big thing that people want to leave facebook... like, good bye.... what else do you want? It's not like you deleted your DNA from a database or anything, you "deleted" a social media profile lol
  • 5
    @ScribeOfGoD it's a big thing when you have a lot of friends and family connected via facebook. I have a lot of old friends from school and relatives living in different countries in my friend list. Deactivating my facebook would make it really difficult to connect with them.
  • 2
    @tahnik then don't delete it or write letters like we did in the good old times before interwebs. I have family and friends too, from the US to Nepal.
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD I am not deleting, I am criticizing their approach to advertising which is becoming annoying.
  • 1
    Websites used to do that stuff back-in-the-day. Ouch.
  • 0
    @tahnik you can stop the auto playing though, and there's such things as adblockers
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD I don't think you can do that in browsers, adblocks doesn't block facebook inline videos.
  • 0
    Im seriously considering leaving FB.. They force users to adopt their shitty policy and apps just to generate more ad revenue.
  • 0
    I guess I'll be muting the tab then...
  • 0
    Why there are no new social network sites on horizon?
  • 1
  • 1
    Shame you even used it =P
  • 0
    Stopped Using It , I'm Happy Now 😂😂
  • 0
    That's why I never joined it...easier to leave that way
  • 0
    As soon as location became a thing I jumped ship
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