
Multi-tasking is a hot, steamy bullshit.

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    You shall now be dubbed: unicore. Look, unicores do exist.
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    Yes 300 task and tou start half of them all
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    Humans can not multitask. Our context switch is hugely costly.
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    I also wish humans didn't have a single core CPU
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    @lamka02sk We don't. You can task your brain to work on things.

    Tough problem: state it clearly, write down the problem.

    Think about something else for a while. Brain will notify you when it has a potential solution. I often will go for a walk, talk to someone, etc. Often times coming back to problem will allow me to see differently.

    They wrongly say that only 10% of brain is used. Well the other 90% is background tasks, data input processing, and subconscious. There is a LOT going on in there.
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    @Demolishun This not multitasking, technically.
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    @PonySlaystation *vsauce music— stops*

    Yes. It is.
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