
Is it really possible to become a good dev with only sololearning ?
I'm a student that already destroy my dev teacher(bad school, no money) so I'm trying to improve myself, but i cannot see the result.. :(

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    Try a lower level language like c++/c.
    Maybe even ASM. (ASM is bae)

    Understanding memory management will help you quite a bit.

    To answer your question yes.
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    Yes! You can learn on your own. Definitely.
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    When I started in the early 80's, solo learning was the only realistic option. Some notable examples of mainly self taught people are Steve Wozniak and Bill Gates.
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    My school never taught the languages and concepts that I wanted to learn.

    I was mostly web driven and so I started going through PHP docs and trying different things out. I consider myself mostly self taught and it's helped me get ahead with my uni work.

    I found that making tools and apps, then remaking them over and over, improving with each iteration as I learnt, really helped.
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    Set goals. Try to o something you have not done before and you will learn in the process.

    There is plenty of information in the web you just have to find it and having a goal helps formulate questions and to keep focus until you make it.

    I am mostly self learned but occasionally I have a colleague that can help out

    But I built my first interpreted language on my own and are looking into cross compiling it to javascript and possibly to IL assembly (.NET)
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    Thanks a lot all :) so i'll learn a low level language (i already know C) and continue tryharding my own projects :)
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    Keep going man, study hard and you will achieve what you want.

    I grew up poor as shit (basically did odd jobs so that I could eat like twice a week), but somehow made it.

    Stepping stones, take your dream a step at a time. Believe in yourself, and prove everyone wrong whoever doubted you.
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    Not really the same situation but i paid my study by doing shitty works during a while.. Now i need several knowledge that are really hard to find on the internet you know ? I'm the only dev in my firm, everytime i rewrite my code with no one to look at my and yell « this is bullshit »
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    @RexOmni c++ is low level? :0
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    @jakobev compared to most nowadays, yes. I hate working with the bloat of c# etc.
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    @Jakuho maybe follow some univ syllabus and study on your own accordingly!
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    I'm in a big company and ironically I have to do self-learning all the time.

    You can't avoid it.
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    @Jakuho Now days to be a good dev you also need great social skills and ability to work in team. Technical aspects of programming you can learn alone but it is not the fastest way.
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