
Recently started using js without semicolons...

Personal opinion but I think semicolons do make the code look ugly

  • 3
  • 2
    Same here
  • 1
    And now you can get on your high horse about how no one is a real JavaScript developer until they understand ASI. 😉
  • 8
    You can open your code to some weird, hard to find bugs by doing this. The interpreter is going to insert them for you and it doesn't always guess right
  • 3
    I love semicolons, curly brackets and parentheses.
  • 1
    But, how you minify?
  • 2
    Semicolon was bestowed upon us by the heavens. You should ask for forgiveness for your blasphemous comment
  • 0
    @Cruiser you say this, and yet in all my time coding semi-colon-less javascript I've never come across one of these mysterious bugs.
  • 0
    I do too, caught me once only, an array followed by a parenthesis on the next line. Apart from that, be sure to use a preprocessor or transpiler and everything will be fine
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    Or at least use coffescript to transpile it to js.
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    @Cruiser and others.. relax guys.. I transpiling
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    @JavaRules personal opinions 😊
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    I want my JS to look as much like C as possible.
  • 0
    While i do agree, i literally had a problem with a missing semicolon today--mind you, i knew exactly where i missed it and fixed it in 5 seconds, but all I'm saying is that leaving them out can cause much avoidable grief
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