
Fucking piece of shit German internet man. Some of you might know that Germany probably has the shittiest internet in the EU. And by shitty, I don't mean the downstream speeds you can get (which is how most ISPs justify their crappy network), but the GODDAMN UPSTREAM SPEEDS.

See, I'm just a student, right? I don't run a fucking company or something like that. I don't need / can't afford a symmetrical gigabit connection. But I do a lot of stuff that requires a decent upstream connection.
Fucking Unitymedia (my ISP), if I already decide to buy the goddamn "business plan" (IPv6 & static adresses), at least supply me with some decent upstream speeds. PLEASE!
My current plan costs ~45€ a month for internet and TV (I don't watch, but my two other flat-mates do).

Internet speeds are 150 Mbit/s down and FUCKING 10 Mbit/s up! What??! What the hell am I supposed to do with only 10 Mbit/s?? I'm already completely exhausting the bandwidth and I'm not even done setting everything up! Fucking hell...

I was planning on getting their "upload package" to get at least 20 Mbit/s up – but they removed that option! IT'S GONE, PEOPLE! They said in an interview last year that "customers are not interested in higher upload speeds" and consequently removed that option. WHAT???

"You wanna have state-of-the-art downstream speeds of 400 Mbit/s? Here you go. Oh, our maximum limit of 10 Mbit/s upstream is not enough for you? TOO FUCKING BAD, NOTHING THAT WE CAN OFFER YOU!"
(Seriously though, the best customer internet plan is 400D & 10U)
Goddamn... in this day and age of things like cloud storage etc. even "normal" people definitely need higher upload speeds.

Man, this rant got so long, but I really wanted to get this out. This wasn't even everything though, maybe I'll make a separate rant to elaborate on other issues.

If you are interested, you might want to read up on the following report:

  • 0
    I have 100/5...
  • 13
    20/1... Stop whining and be grateful
  • 5
    I thought we were talking 56k or something. 10Mbps up? Jeez, come to the US and see how bad things are here.
  • 3
    Living in Guatemala, you're thrilled to get 10 down with 1 up. Yes, one. And the only better service is 25 down and still 1 up.
  • 21
    German WiFi... it's the wurst ...
  • 2
    In Texas we have 75/75 ... can't complain about that.
  • 3
    At our student housing, in the Netherlands, we have 100/100, but I know your pain. It'll become better bro. ❤️
  • 1
    If you are a student do your uploading at the university. At my university I get about 500-600mbit up and down. Which is as far as I know normal in (at least) all of Baden Württemberg
  • 0
    Just saw your at KIT, a friend of mine is there as well and has the same speed. At Ulm University (where I am) all traffic is directed to Karlsruhe so this shouldn't be a bottleneck
  • 1
    To everyone saying that I'm whining:
    I get what you mean. It's not like I'm ungrateful, I'm really happy to be able to study in Germany and to have a comparably good internet connection. However, I think the major problem is the up/down ratio here. Unitymedia is able to boast about how they are Germany's fastest ISP (see also link to report above) with their 400 Mbit/s down speeds, however, they only supply customers with a maximum of 10 Mbit/s up speeds in that plan. That's not how it should work...

    Oh, and I know that internet in Australia is even worse, and I can imagine how frustrating it would be for me with those speeds. @biscuit
  • 0
    120/120 holland, yay \0/
  • 0
    300/300 at 56€

    Expensive, yes, but compared to the ADSL which is standard many places here at 30/5 for 45€ it's not that bad
  • 0
    @ReverendLovejoy wow, that's pretty good for the price. May I ask what country you live in?
  • 0
    10D/2U, at times 4D/0.1U

    I can live with 10D & 2U, but the damn instability is killing me
  • 1
    Here in rural England download speeds are 8 Mbit/s, upload is 448Kbit/s or so.
  • 0
  • 1
    @ryuji it works like that because the internet has traditionally been used to consume rather than add content.
    While many on devrant would love better upload speeds, we're the exception not the rule.
    Joe public wouldn't accept slow Netflix in exchange for posting a photo on Facebook faster.
    There's relatively very little demand for fast upload speeds and (I assume, networks aren't really my thing) providing a more equal upload download ratio would require different equipment / systems / programming. (if anyone knows how it really works please jump in and save my guessing ass lol)
  • 0
  • 0
    300/300mbps for 80€ per month. Life is good.
  • 0
    @biscuit Well, my current Unitymedia plan uses EuroDOCSIS 3.0 with 16 QAM256 downstream channels and 4 QAM16 upstream channels, meaning theoretical speeds of up to around 890 Mbit/s down and 123 Mbit/s up ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... )
    So, from what I could gather, there shouldn't be a lot of technical difficulties in improving upstream speeds. Of course, I'm no expert either, so please correct me if I just said some incorrect crap :)
  • 2
    I have 3Mbit down, 0,4Mbit up, Telekom says that this is the maximum.

    No, I don't live on the moon...
  • 2
    @biscuit you are mostly right. ADSL is by design (A is for asynchronous speed) intended for greater download than upload speeds. Where ADSL can deliver 10/1 Mbit at 4000 meters, a synchronous DSL line can deliver 1/1 at the same range.

    With copper technology the limits are tied to the terminating hardware.

    For cable and fiber networks upload speeds are stained to maximize available capacity for download and is mostly software-configurable
  • 1
    @rebelt2i no, because on the moon you would have much greater speeds 😂
  • 1
    @ReverendLovejoy so true and sad 😂
  • 1
    @ryuji UK is way shittier than the german ISPs. At least to my experience...
  • 0
    @ReverendLovejoy thanks mate, didn't realise fibre was so easily configured. Though I guess the same rules apply... Unless all my neighbours want fast upload, I can't get it either?
  • 1
    @biscuit depends on where the configurable equipment is ;)
  • 1
    This was my basic internet speed when I was doing my masters in Germany. It was the internet they gave away in the wohnheims.
  • 0
    75/75 $65 (currently $45 due to a 12 month discount)
  • 0
    Dude I pay about $70 a month for 30 down and *maybe* 10 up, if I'm lucky. You have it good.
  • 1
    German internet — and mobile — is over-priced utter shite. Even the UK is cheaper and faster. Hungary is ten times faster for at most half the price. Germany needs to get its greedy shit together. Fuck unitymedia. Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them. No WebSockets because of port restrictions? WHY? Is that the only way they (think they) can prevent p2p (as it p2p itself is illegal)?
  • 0

    I moved here for work from NY and WHAT A FUCKING NIGHTMARE! EVERY site is blocked. Kiss anime, listenonrepeat. Every website seems like a porn site that a 14yr old programmer in middle of nowhere America can make in the 19080s!!! HOW THE FUCK IS GERMAN SO FJUCKIGN BEHIND!!!! WOW!!!

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