Lord Of BackEnd

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    Others still exist too, PHP makes the most noise
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    What is the blue fat hamster? XD
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    Petition to rename golang into blue fat hamster
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    @blindXfish I always hated the mascot for Go. It was almost like they tried 5o make it as obnoxious looking as possible.
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    @LotsOfCaffeine petition approved
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    Some people like me laugh in Erlang and elixir
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    I am pretty sure, Putin wouldn't have mixed naming schemes, argument orders and error result conventions mixed up in his standard library.

    PHP is just the C of the web: An ugly mess constantly trying to get you to shoot yourself in the foot.
    But i still somehow like it (and made my own standard library that wraps theirs - so most of the bad stuff doesn't actually affect me anymore).
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    @Oktokolo Yeah PHP isn't so bad with a good Collection library (like Laravel's, or the PHP7 DS extension) to replace Arrays.

    Although I still get annoyed about all the places where magic happens, and how it gets in the way of static analysis.

    For example, with a large enough codebase, even with a good IDE it's hard to detect which methods/properties are not being used anymore, because someone thought $object->${"get".$thing}() was a good idea.
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    @Oktokolo Basically, all the normalization features of Laravel are amazing (Str::, collect(), etc), but then the magic makes it awful again (->map-> proxy, model-bound policies, attribute resolvers, etc)
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    @bittersweet to be honest you can technically do the same in a compiled language like .NET using Reflection.

    I'd literally murder you if you submitted a PR using it, but you could do it.
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    @kwilliams Yeah even a very strict language like Rust has dynamic dispatch and metaprogramming features like macros, the issue is that with PHP, the magic is:

    1. Widespread. Pretty much every framework uses either __invoke/__call/etc methods (Laravel/Eloquent), or docblock annotations (Symfony/Doctrine).

    2. Difficult to analyze, easy to cause bugs. Macros in Rust are still type safe, and can be statically analyzed.
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    You forgot to add Python.
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    Ah yes python 2 & 3
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    Phoenix Wright the attorney.

    honestly, I didn't know either until I played MvC. Not model view controller.

    Marvel vs Capcom
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    @bittersweet also, this wins the internet for tonight.

    Fun fact: I created my ign based off of Kim Jong Il, 15 years ago.

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    A really good decision was, to not go all objects when starting to create my standard library replacement/wrapper.
    On the lowest level, i have one file per native scalar and one each for arrays used as lists (keys are always ints and non-sparse) or maps (keys are always strings).

    Building on top of a core following a single code convention is so much easier than when you have to remember, that substr can also return false (!) in some edge cases and that Iterators have to be pristine to be able to use them with foreach...
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    Here it is
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    @Oktokolo what is the name if the library ?
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    @bittersweet it s the first time that i stumble upon ds extension thanks, any thing else like please
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    It is a closed source asset of the company i work for.
    Don't tell them, that i will certainly keep using it if i ever change jobs ;)
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