
I discover last week Eloquent ORM.
A php database abstraction layer.
How to make things quickly! Great tools!

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    It's a core part of Laravel - the only way to go when it comes to PHP MVC. Pure love right there 😁
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    I use Doctrine. What are the main differences?
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    @gummy i never used doctrine but i think eloquent comes with relationships and polymorphic relations built in. Takes like a minute to set up all the models and all the relationships you can think of.

    Also - it returns native laravel collections you can easily work with
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    @gummy dont@Skipp @Skipp yep but you can use it without laravel. I have wrote my own mvc framework, using twig, eloquent orm, and others open source components. Before, I use pdo and write all my models. Big work for "nothing".
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    @mk3d yea, i just got used to mvc frameworks from day one. Started with codeigniter and moved to laravel. I never looked back since :)
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    @gummy i just read about doctrine. It's also an orm, differences, don't know.
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