After 17 years since I got my first PC, I have finally decided its now time that I should have my own laptop. Any suggestions?

PS: I have been an Ubuntu user since 2007.
PS-2: I am from India.

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    Thinkpads have an good support, but Dell and others have recently published laptops that have linux out of box.
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    Older ThinkPads is nice
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    older thinkpads, used (new) macbooks
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    Might want to specify what you'll use the laptop for, we're not mind readers.
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    I recently bought a new Dell XPS, and I gotta say I’m really impressed by it. It was a little expensive (~1100USD), but the build quality, display, and specs are all top-notch. On Ubuntu, it can easily run Android Studio, Firefox and Zoom simultaneously. Highly recommend
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    @Linux the older you go, the nicer they are
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    My use case is for general purpose programming. Trying out various stuff. I know node modules and Android Studio can literally eat up resources, but I dont intend to do any heavy development with those. Maybe a few apps for short periods.

    Thanks for suggestions btw. I will check out the options as suggested by people.
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    frame.work is what I'm saving up for.
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    @ezpz damn that looks cool as hell. I'll have to look into it more, because I'd really like to see these, but the concept of a modular repairable device hasn't ever worked before. Best of luck to them
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