
We losing so many users nowadays. What happened my dudes

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    @Eklavya the sun has turned our members into a semi-fluid mush, crawling around the world looking to integrate us alive ones into their mass.
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    That and they quietly lock peoples accounts but keep their content
    That and you people aren’t letting time progress
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    Same as last time
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    don't know why
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    @kokoa Is this greendot sayin'?
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    Life happens.
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    I've been here a while, though not from the early days, and it's always been like that. About once or twice a year some very prominent user realises that the site isn't like it used to be - which is rather normal for social spaces, physical or digital - and leaves, their closest friends who have also been around for a while go with them, and a ton of lurkers who were primarily reading the rants of those people follow. It does fill back up though, gradually.
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    I used to be very active back in the day, but life pretty much got in the way of development. I also calmed down a little too wrt.. modern software development practices. Idk, I guess people just come and go :)
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    Depression for me.
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    Maybe they’re dying of old age heh
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    I didn't know you were scouting for dudes here
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    @killames Try not to get too angry over rejection. It’s pretty gross.
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    Still here from the beginning, what changed for me is a busier life.
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    @killames lol calm down it’s like you saw all this before and are speaking to the thinking machines from dune

    Speaking of which
    Fuck Erasmus !
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    @killames Totally inappropriate and she's lesbian.
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    @Condor uncalled for
    Stop interfering in the pansexual lovers quarrel you nazi islamaphobe displaying high levels of toxic masculinity !

    Apparently she did something wrong anyway all joking aside lol and it’s gross so he’s saved himself that discovery lol
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    @Condor besides lesbians are just confused bisexual women who had rapist fathers anyway lol like most gay men are just ... confused and gross lol

    Simply put if you like the smell of shit you’re probably a pedophile and most gay men are

    If you’re a bi male you’re probably just curious and have a bro crush
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    @Condor or have had a lot of sex and gotten explorative or been in threesomes or group activities to the point where you’re comfortable when women are involved lol
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    @Condor or maybe you’re turned on by men criticizing your friend and picturing a shaved 20 something instead of a 59 year old fag lol

    A white or Asian or girly Hispanic 20 something
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    @Condor so the real takeaways are
    There are no lesbians
    And suck my penis 20 something white or Hispanic or Asian shaved male !
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    What the fuck is this thread?
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    This is, like, really not OK.
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    @Ranchonyx you already said that queen
    Do something different lol
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    Holy fuck, I did not expect this level of toxicity from DevRant.
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    @lbfalvy yes it’s really getting my dander up personally meow
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    @Condor we need to stop hiding behind labels
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    @lesbianmilitia Oh I've definitely been missing Twitter's habit of creating accounts for objects or concepts just for one reply.
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    @lbfalvy what ?
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    @lbfalvy define toxicity as you mean it
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    @lbfalvy I tell you I really hate pussy speak but I’m open to hearing new ways of fucking up our language while bored in my log cabin lol
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    @lbfalvy and this is relevant how ?
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    @lesbianmilitia It's not, I thought you were asking about my comment on the throwaway account.
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    @lbfalvy oh
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    @lbfalvy no one understands the earlier confusion was trying not to get killed or screwed over
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    @lbfalvy now it doesn’t matter
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    @lbfalvy i summon you oh hag of I’ll fate
    Oh shit
    There she is lol
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    @lbfalvy on rare occasions this is funny lol
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    @lesbianmilitia hit the deck they're arming themselves !!!!!!
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    @lesbianmilitia I cannot define toxicity as it's kind of a gut feeling for me, but going around telling people that their identity doesn't exist or that their lifestyle is merely confusion is definitely toxic.

    Note that claiming a lifestyle harmful isn't inherently toxic the same way dismissing it as confusion is, because the toxic element is denying another person's subjective experience and introducing new aspects doesn't do that.
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    That person is an alt of @killames, who has also been pretty awful. Specifically creepy and insulting.
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    @lesbianmilitia a convenient as-you-go technique for finding definitions in uncertain topics is to make statements that sound true and try to argue for them, which lets us find the common axioms that support all true statements. This is what I'm trying to do here, because I couldn't think of a reasonable definition in a whole day.
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    @Ranchonyx funny when it comes to pod people you're one of the first people i would have claimed to be an authority on the matter
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    @Root I know, I'd like to see if they're capable of logical conversation. Unlikely but worth a shot.
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    @lbfalvy likely they are. i've seen a lot of too logical behavior on here however. logically formulated to be exactly the same, personally. heres a thought. stop working ! lol lets see if there is a real personality under there, not just years of people mimicking living human beings with an incredibly nasty underlying alter ego and set of urges which are disturbing.
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    @killames Calm down, mature, and learn to not say the first thing that crosses your mind. Also, leave your tendency to insult at the door.
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    @AvatarOfKaine Uniqueness is not inherently good, being uniquely illogical and therefore potentially wrong is much worse than being identically correct - or at least probably correct. Being right about anything at all is very difficult, but by stubbornly trying to make true statements science developed complicated but precise tools to support and question truth. The most common mistake of people who try too hard to think differently is that they fail to recognize this. A correct statement isn't simple or complex, but robust and universal; clear in its boundaries and Independent of any conditions not named.
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    @lbfalvy this sounded from the beginning like a sophism.

    no the issue is when people act like a hive-mind and bombard someones senses with 'unique' stimuli it causes behavior which can be easily predicted within a controlled environment after so many reexposures.

    case in point, I couldn't help but answer this.

    what would be unique this time is if you indicated understanding of this.
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    @Root it’s funny to me when people who are inherently unhappy tell me to mature lol
    What does that mean exactly ? Make no jokes, don’t be playful and become wizened sack of aging rotting flesh that pretends to be hypersensitive to everything from some shaped desire to lash out ? Just curious. Or does it mean be condescending and take a victim stance over and over ? Luckily I this isn’t a major diversion of my time as I’m working on other things which more represent waste as people like you steal them in months to come
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    @killames I'm pretty sure that is what that means. be unhappy.

    maturity normally indicates a tendency to think before you act in a scenario that requires such care, or to not be impetuous. seeming impetuous when someone is crafting a scenario to annoy you is a different thing altogether.
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    @lbfalvy you know its pathetic i literally have noone to share anything with but perfect robotic strangers on the internet about this funny thing i just found. i mean we're not even friends. you're all more like the nazi guards at a gi prison that i got stuck talking to after being placed in solitary. see this how we are driven as machines however. the algorithms that control what we encounter first are a big component.
    when we were offline we were seperate, now we're part of a bigger world machine and we've all been reduced to cogs, not just the many hands that turn the handles periodically to keep the machine moving.
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    @AvatarOfKaine I have had this conversation two, maybe three times so far on the internet, and during that time I have polished my opinion. By now it's almost worth sharing. Our interactions are similar, yes, and they follow patterns, but given the sheer amount of conversations we can have, that is to be expected. It's not that the diversity of topics decreased, the number of conversations you can have every day have increased vastly. And besides, discussing the same topics over and over doesn't mean there's no progress, usually at least one or preferably both participants' views evolve.
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    @lbfalvy nono you're willfully misunderstanding
    i mean stop doing exactly the same crap crafting fixtures in which people can order fucker up shit.
    its pretty obvious by now that that is part of the purpose.
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    @lbfalvy anyway betcha didn't find the picture of google being a racist funny did you ?
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    @AvatarOfKaine That's actually hilarious, I didn't get the joke at first.
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    @AvatarOfKaine I do not understand your reply though, would you mind elaborating on what "fucker up fixtures" means?
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    @AvatarOfKaine Trust me my misunderstanding isn't willful, but I've learned English with a particular mindset so I might be misinterpreting a lot of words.
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    I've deleted a comment because it wasn't relevant anymore, in absence of typing indicators and message referencing in replies it's easy to post a comment 3 replies later than intended, in a position where its meaning is completely different from the author's plan.
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    @lbfalvy the way you asked that was amusing. fucked up. it was a typo mein furer
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    @lbfalvy "these being necessary annotations on this my most important work, that future generations might understand the revisions I underwent in communicating my dubious understanding of the words 'fucker up fixtures' and the later deletions of commentary that might seem like self censor but was instead intended to convey my meaning that much more clearly by removing unnecessary text from the growing volume' lol
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    @lbfalvy on another note i am amazed at how much goddamn ram and cpu this node script is using. its not doing something THAT complex, and certainly not computationally expensive but the system graph is going nuts
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    @AvatarOfKaine I deleted the comment because it replied to something 5 replies before but by the time I submitted it you wrote a bunch and it became irrelevant. Self-censorship is when you filter your communication in anticipation of possible reactions, not because in an altered context its meaning changed to something you never intended for it to mean.
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    @lbfalvy ... that was me portraying you as being overly serious in a funny way, meant to be read in a dry British voice or academic tone, with a touch of pomp.

    eg I was busting on you. showing jovial camaraderie and inviting you to take part in it and laugh a little.

    tis my fault, i should have specified. i suck.
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    @lbfalvy and in essence here is the problem. mentioning a bunch of numbers means you think i'm doing something and i'm not. especially certain specific numbers you people seem to fixate on.
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    Somebody TLDR this thread, can't read all
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    @lesbianmilitia I thought it was a sexual preference. If a man were to confess to me, I'd also tell him that I'm not gay and therefore not interested. If you want people to just tell "not interested" instead, be my guest but don't tell me what to do.
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    @theabbie Not really worth it, just a bunch of incels denying lesbians.
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    @lbfalvy you know i've begun to wonder if people who refer to themselves as incels were referring to the high percentage of sexually damaged women who were being sold by their boomer parents and had been warped into being sex offending prostitutes and just didnt realize what kind of trash they really were.
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    @AvatarOfKaine Oh they definitely are referring to that concept, as well as a couple wild misconceptions which lead them to believe that sexual and romantic relationships can work without mutual preference and consent and that solitude isn't the most natural state of being from which one has to actively work to achieve anything else.
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    @lbfalvy that sounds more like the people i just described, not what i thought an incel was, which were individuals who just couldn't get laid for one reason or another.

    however the 'concept' is more the fact in many regions as during the last two generations the number of greedy, immoral, evil, callous, desperate, and perverse people has increased considerably. and been made into a system.

    well hopefully they end up subjugating said chomo whores then. they need to be watched closely and plowed frequently in lieau of being shot, which would be the preferable outcome, and forced to lie to their children so they grow up normal, hating garbage just like they were, as this is the only way to ensure the damage caused by the boomers and their fucked up children (most of them) go bye bye in the next generation.

    'working towards a chomo free world where we reclaim our beautiful characteristics from the whores that stole them by spreading their legs for 5 generations'

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    @lbfalvy you know the latest thing i;ve seen is disgusting pretty people who like retards that have been trained and encouraged to sound extra creepy and disgusting all over again because they think of them in the sense of making their own victims that much more degraded and terrorized.

    or liking women who starve themselves and encouraging them to starve themselves.

    there are incomprehensibly sick people in this world everywhere so if you ask me the incels are probably the same people, creating an excuse to hide what they are, who mimic ordinary frustrated people at an accented level. its kind of not abnormal to hate lesbians if you're a straight male, often they hate straight males. and very frequently the worst people the worst monsters and perverts hide among people of this nature as it explains why they don't show interest in adults. additionally the rhetoric sounds like something meant to manipulate people, because chomos don't want normal relationships or fucking people.
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    @lbfalvy and in fact in the last generation they were frequently FORCED to be paired with men who used them frequently, often blackmailed when they were caught doing things by one group and then pressed into a relationship with some poor sap who would, likely, end up loving them not knowing what they were and be repaid by being treated lie absolute garbage. its just one example of the trash now occupying our country.
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    @lbfalvy his primary job is to drive away people.

    Hes really good at his job.
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    @lbfalvy dont be fooled. Lesbianmilitia is AvatarOfKaine is killames.

    All three are run by one guy who's just here to create drama.

    Sometimes he makes entertaining posts
    And sometimes, like today, hes over the top.
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    @Condor saying no is a toxic microaggression though.
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    @Wisecrack why are you such an ankle biting little curr ? you +1 a comment and then say I drive people away. don't read.
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    @AvatarOfKaine "you +1 a comment and then say I drive people away."

    Maybe I'm just a dick.

    I dont downvote or report you tho on account that without a little toxicity most places become degenerate hugboxes infested with they-live style invasion-of-the-body-snatchers meme-bots signaling their eternal virtue and membership in the Borg by mindlessly repeating what some funny-guy-on-SNL programmed them to say.

    Just dont overdo it, because it can easily go in the opposite direction and become a ghost town full of guys worshipping small mustaches and 1930s European fashion trends, like some overdressed YMCA metrosexual cargo cult.
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    @Wisecrack Saying no isn't aggression because it is the most minimal form of response. Aggression can only be an individual signal, expressed in acts of communication not necessitated by another party's explicit request.
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    @Wisecrack lol well at least there is that

    And you are a dick lol
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    @lbfalvy are you absolutely sure you’re not someone’s homosexual pet they faun over ? That was a such a mild cute response
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    @AvatarOfKaine I'm not homosexual but I've never tried pet play so I cannot assert that I wouldn't like it.

    As for the mild response: the best response to a completely false statement is a conflicting statement you're confident you can defend, and such statements are usually very restricted.
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    @lbfalvy I was being playful lol
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    @AvatarOfKaine I really can't detect your tone then, because this has become a regular phenomenon.
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    @lbfalvy always assume if I’m teasing you about being homosexual I’m not being mean

    As long as a person is a regular homosexual or bisexual not some other sexual class hiding among them I don’t mind them so I’d never literally down them even if I do regularly use the word fag in anger but interestingly I’m usually saying the words faggot chomo specifically of late

    As long as it’s with adults I don’t care who screws who as that is none of my goddamn business

    I’m teasing you because you’re the guy who chosen an sn that had homo in it lol and flamers are and will always be funny lol that’s part of why some of them are sweet lol as long as they’re not catty then they’re just funny lol
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    @lbfalvy what I’m trying to say is I called you cute because your tone as I read it is kind of cute and hapless and nervous about not offending anyone or being misinterpreted and it’s never snarky or loud or angry or self righteous or annoying
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    @lbfalvy truthfully though for all I know you could be a serial killer
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