I never like my code.

  • 5
    Write it better then.
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    I don’t like your code either.
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    @Cyanide you beat me to this.
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    Only the output matters
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    @theabbie I hope that's a reference to management.
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    If you create working software, your doing well. If you're software is an unmanageable mess that constantly has being issues, your doing badly.

    TDD and learning code smells and their retractors will up your game!
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    @lungdart yeah, codesmell have many retractors. Are you one of them?
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    @galileopy looks like it because I'm not paying for dr++ to fix my typo.

    It was refactors in case anyone can't figure it out
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    I often don’t like mine, either, because I often find better approaches while writing it.

    The code I do like tends to emerge at the end of several rewrites.

    I’m quite proud of a few things I’ve written recently.
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    @Root we should rewrite the world at this point

    But same
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    @lungdart you don't need ++ to edit your comments within x minutes.
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    @Root I find it the case that approaching code as a living thing that grows and morphs as time passes is better to maintain clean code. It's useless to overplan every project. Ofc there are exceptions, but after a while, that which is essential is basically what your left with.
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    @galileopy I was well beyond that limit!
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