Interviewed with Amazon, panicked and ended the interview apologizing for wasting the guy's time on a simple binary search question.

  • 13
    It happens. Just remember, your life does not depend on an interview.
  • 12
    That shit is intimidating. I've been there as well, I mixed up languages once at Microsoft.
  • 14
    Stupid whiteboard coding exercises. And you're probably really good at your job. Too bad they'll never know. Their loss.
  • 7
    Just saw this ad and it made me think of your post and what you can try next time.

  • 4
    @stackodev yo that's the best ad ever I wish that I had creative friends rather than just the ones running after grades.
  • 1
    At least you're not a slave now
  • 1
    Good for you, fuck Amazon, dumb ass company culture.
  • 1
    This guy has passed the test

    What the point of a binary fucking tree when your slaves can erase random servers with their stupid hands
  • 5
    I can't remember ever using an interview coding assignment at that actual position. I think it's crazy what we ask candidates to do today. The best interview I ever had was a pair programming exercise, with an actual defect in the company's code. During the interview I was asked to fix the defect with the help of a senior developer, and push to production.
  • 2
    @juneeighteen Great idea for an interview. Sounds like everyday dev problems
  • 0
    This happened to me once i panicked and couldn't even write a recursive solution for finding out anti factorial of a number on a paper 😁😁
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