
Slack’s “Huddle” is beautiful. A game changer. It is just so easy to enter and exit a call now.

Good work, Slack!

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    Shall I sue you for copyright? :P
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    @Floydimus ++’d your rant. We are even.
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    I just googled what this is, in most messaging apps this is the default behavior for conference calls. It's funny how they gave it a cool name and all of a sudden it's an invention.
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    I... don't get it. Used the huddles a couple of times now, what's better about them?

    Yeah, you have no window for the call. The call also doesn't appear in your history anymore. Which I dislike, as it was always useful information.

    Other then that I don't see much difference.
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    @Cyanide lol

    The notifs are fucked. Not getting mention updates and ++ count isn't reflecting the changes.
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    @Makenshi @lbfalvy well.. nobody claims it as an invention or even innovation.

    They just executed it better than others + UX is neat.

    And yes, the cool name. Lol
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    @Floydimus Exactly. I mean.. it’s just a flick of a switch.. and boom you are on call!
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    But it's bugged sometimes. I find screen sharing more better in calls than in huddle.
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    @Makenshi you say it's not stored in calls history? Then they did worse!
    Never liked Slack, by the way.
  • 2
    @lbfalvy marketing beats utility every time.
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