LOL. That moment you realize sales has promised a feature you haven't even thought of implementing in to the product

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    That moment when they didn't just promise it, they said it'd be ready by Friday... except it's Thursday at 5:30pm and I'm clocking off for the day.
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    Brings back some many traumas. I worked at a company were sales had promised online reporting dashboards and AI powered analytics... Meanwhile the database running everything didn't even have primary keys. No joke.

    Traumas aside, tbh, it's bad working culture. Speak out. If nothing changes, leave for another company. That's what I did back then.
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    Sales people with their fancy cars and suits, vaping in the office, losing company laptops and generally making promises they don't have to keep.
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    They only promised a turnkey solution for an entirely unique scenario which will be deployed by 16:00 tomorrow.

    Start being a team player, Christ.
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    I keep hearing people talk about our AI stuff. We have no AI and have only ever talked about how a recommendation engine would be good, and it may be implemented with AI. Or not. Nobody in the team has AI experience and we're years away from start to dabble with it.

    But you know, sales.
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