What if interviewer ask me how I debug js (Nodejs ) code?

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    Add debug statements where you wish to add your breakpoints, or some IDEs let you do that when clicking on the line number.
    Now, to debug, in vs code is F5 and then select nodejs
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    The interviewer then may tell you off for using the wrong tag as I know that's popular here at devrant :)
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    Then you run away crying
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    Console log?
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    You don't, silly, that's how bugs get into production for later
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    "i use the technique of psychic debugging as popularized by Raymond Chen since it's the only reasonable option, which you would kniw if you would know anything about anything."
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    The easiest debug for nodejs is to rewrite the application.
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    console.log amirite? XD
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    Console.log is not the best option when we are working on a complex logic/flow
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    Just use a debugger lol
    What kind of question is this?
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    @snowrivermelody it is, you just have to add more console.log.
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    If you think they might ask then why don’t you learn how to do it so you can tell them?
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