
Living in a tiny house and having a remote-only job (and no lappy) means I get the wonderful, lovely privilege of working in my bedroom... with my 18mo (who will not leave me alone), and my girlfriend (who won't fucking leave). It's positively great!

Blasting music is often not enough to drown out the sound, and certainly does nothing for getting hit with toys or screamed at to get picked up, so I get basically nothing done during the day. And that's presupposing I'm not begged to run errands/go to lunch with her, both of which take precious hours. (She won't take the baby out alone, so she's always here unless we find a babysitter)

At least it's quiet after 9pm, so I stay up coding for as long as I can. But 18mo's wake up super early, and the girlfriend prefers to stay in the room until I'm up... so even with earplugs I don't get enough sleep. A monster a day and a bottle of Tito's vodka a month is all that keeps me sane.

Why can't I just be fucking left alone to fucking work? I'm our only goddamn source of income.

It's no wonder we're fucking broke.

And to make matters worse, I'm being downsized... and considering the above, I doubt I'll be able to land a new job. 😡

  • 6
    That's really hard... may God help u my friend
  • 13
    U should talk with ur partner about the problem explaining the things, maybe she will understand it from ur POV
  • 19
    You need to do something before you snap. Best thing is talking. Explain the situation, if she doesn't get it your problems just got drastic. If she understands but doesn't know what to do then you can fix it. Speak about a plan for the future, stuff like bigger apartment, better neighbourhood, and if she buys in to it then you can work on the how to get there. Like her getting a job, put the kid in daycare or work something out with both your parents and daycare. If you can't survive on your income alone, put feelers out for a new job, or at least get your skills up to scratch to get one. Also if your GF won't go out or take the kid out for her or the kids sanity, she's basically damaging your childs development and her own with no social interaction and locked in a room all day. She needs to step up b4 she fucks all your lives. Do something b4 its unfixable. Drink only leeds to more drink.
  • 3
    The best endorsement of birth control I've ever read.
  • 5
    @QoolQuy2000 I suspect that birthcontrol had little to do with it. I have the odd feeling it was planned
  • 1
    Im rooting for you
  • 17
    I wish you the best, man.
  • 1
    Giving your home situation, a new job with only partial home office could be a solution, and not an issue. Check around to see if there are applications you can send.
  • 1
    Sell your home rig, buy 20$ laptop.
    Code more in a shittier lap for some days, show you're worth the hassle.
    Get money, buy better laptop.
    Prognosis: you're gonna get it all settled in a month or two tops, with a bright( not so broke) future ahead.
  • 3
    I am sorry to hear this. I work from home as well. It can be hard because spouses and kids don't understand their constant interruption is awful.

    I would attempt to explain to your girlfriend again and lay ground rules for work hours.

    Door must remained shut. No interruptions until lunch time which is 1 hour or 30 minutes.

    Encourage your girlfriend to join a mom's group. Go to the park or something. She needs a schedule to quit bugging you.

    Daycare is expensive so that is not always the answer.

    Luckily my kids are in school and my husband works at his office which makes it much better.
  • 4
    @Adrianoenrico my productivity isn't why I'm being downsized. The company had a con artist as its CFO/CTO for several years, who stole and wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars. Our backend infrastructure costs were in excess of $10k/month, and higher than $20k for several months; ridiculous for a small company. (Not including outright wasted money.) He was fired shortly after I joined, and left me with that mess. No documentation, nobody even knew where our servers were hosted, how many there were, and nobody even had credentials.

    I cleaned everything up, reducing it to only what we needed, streamlined the insanely complicated deploy pipeline, and standardized access. Also reduced overall cost by 80%+

    But. The company didn't make enough to cover the incredible losses, so to stay afloat, everyone is getting hours and/or pay cuts, or outright laid off.

    I'm keeping my job, but taking an hours and pay cut and being relegated from full-stack developer to only server maintenance.
  • 3
    I hope all works out for you.
  • 1
    @littlemacha, @pac23 made a comment on the information supplied, which is a valid point.?
  • 3
    @helloworld I don't exactly agree with you. Life and circumstances can be more complex than what you could write in 5 mins. And the information which is provided if incomplete then speak bit cautiously. Remember everyone is fighting their own battle everyday, being compassionate helps. Just my two cents.
  • 1
    Sounds like great team work. Trade her in....
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