
For those who care, Facebook is now Meta, so meta will be stalking you via Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp

  • 0
    Is this Sky Meta? (in lieu of Skynet)
  • 6
    They do want all your Metadata, so... makes sense.
  • 8
    Maybe it is because I am from Europe, but I don’t get why somebody allows trademarking of universal concepts. “Meta” should be a reserved word to be used by humans to express concepts and ideas.

    This choice affects even human beings that tries to stay away from their businesses as they are poisoning human language.

    Imagine now kids that will think that “meta” is a company instead of a concept, imagine web searching “meta”.

    This is hateful on multiple levels
  • 1
    @rov3rand0m as if Mark is out to help anyone, the more confusing he makes things the better for his wallet.
  • 2
    @RTRMS yeah I know.

    But some words (prefixes included) should be protected as in programming languages.

    If tomorrow I wake up and I try to register a company called “Mark Zuckerberg Inc.” somebody will stop me because I have no right to use a name that belongs to others (I hope someone would stop me at least).

    I feel some words like “meta” belong to everyone. It is like stealing.

    I know that languages evolve but this is a very bad thing (beside what the company itself does).
  • 0
    @rov3rand0m I think your concern has more to do with the size and impact of the company appropriating the word. Meta burgers, inc I have in my neighborhood would not bother many people because it is a tiny mom n pop joint, not a gargantuan tech conglomerate bent on dominating your online experience. Therefore their impact on how the word is perceived is minimal.
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