This guy doesn't know but he saved so many IT students lives.

Thanks Bro

  • 0
    Is that Venkat from Pragim Technologies?
  • 5
    @PoweredByCoffee no this is Prabeesh R K from... youtube
  • 0
    @charlySc set let me check him out.
  • 1
    @charlySc Okay I remember him. He helped me alot in my first android app. Cheers bro!
  • 1
  • 9
    Thenewboston forever
  • 14
    Can't read that without Indian accent))
  • 14
    He's the first indian to not use his laptop mic for a programming tutorial
  • 4
    I tend to just nope out from the hindi people speaking with pauses, inaudible accent and who uses winxp.
  • 6
    Watched few of his videos. They are quite understandable not like other "mai frend" indians.
  • 0
    Slide nerd is good too
  • 3
    Derek Banas and thenewboston forever, guys and gals.
  • 0
    i saw videotutorials from another indian and to listen his accent is great :D
    Source :
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    Android Developer website + stackoverflow is good enough.
    Android Developer website to get started with something and stackoverflow to clear any doubts/difficulties you face in it. And if I still have further difficulties I would check the source of that thing in Android's source git. The sources are well documented too as one would expect.
  • 1
    Thenewboston saved me in my last year of school. I owe it to that guy for explaining me how classes and functions work in C++

    I had to speed up the video to 1.5x though, he spoke very slowly xD
  • 0
    Hahah XD That's absolutely true! Many students have been saved by tutorials from these guys. Including me. Learning coding is truly invaluable in today's tech-driven world! It's amazing how one person's knowledge and expertise can positively impact countless students' lives. If you're interested in exploring more about setting and achieving life goals alongside your coding journey, I highly recommend checking out these free essays on life goals: https://studymoose.com/free-essays/... Life Goals Essays. Embracing a holistic approach to education, including both technical skills like coding and personal development like goal-setting, can lead to a well-rounded and fulfilling career. So here's to all the "bros" out there who inadvertently become heroes in the eyes of aspiring IT professionals! Keep on inspiring and coding away!
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