I am forced to get vaccinated, is Moderna good? I am scared shitless right now.

  • 6
    Better be scared shitless than shitfull 🤔
  • 11
    Why scared? You've almost certainly had vaccinations before. Astrazeneca vaccine has a (very small) chance of causing blood clots, otherwise they're fairly safe, data is available online.


    The below gives manufacturers name (probably what you've heard) for each vaccine.

  • 7
    Well I've had 3 doses so far, 2 AZ and a Pfizer booster, and I'm still here. So is everyone I know, including my teenage son. None of us has had covid, which may be to do with the vaccine, may be because we're actually sensible with cleaning hands, wearing masks and distancing, but most likely a combination of everything.
  • 5
    I've taken two doses of Moderna. First dose was all fine, my arm was just a bit sore for a few days. Second dose probably lowered my immune system a bit and a got sick for three or four days. Haven't heard of anyone in my vicinity that has had any major side effects of the vaccine.
  • 0
    In my country:

    1. Life insurance won't pay if you are injured or killed after taking covid-19 vax.

    2. You can no longer give blood if you take a covid-19 vax.

    I don't know what it is like where you live. I am sorry if this is truly forced. This world is evil. I will pray for you.

    Bracing for the downvotes from the ignoramuses.
  • 5
    Imagine you'd get the actual disease itself which is said to have quite some side effects, including long covid and even death.

    I had two shots of Pfizer's, and a sick day after the second because I was too tired to work and just slept the whole day. No other side effect.
  • 6
    @Demolishun Sounds like BS. Which country would that be?
  • 8

    I don't know about # 1, but you should re-check # 2

    several countries *do* ban blood donation after both being vaccinated and recovering from the cov2 infection *temporarily*.

    That's not a permanent thing. You're also banned from donating blood after you had a blood transfusion for example, or any sort of recent infection...

    the general rule of thumb is that you can donate blood if you don't have any symptoms or fever... and well the most common symptom after the covid vaccine is a fever too so... yeah...
  • 9
    My wife lost a cousin to covid. A boy at my son's school hasn't been back to school since he had covid last year, he has long covid. The caretaker in the apartment block I live in had covid a few weeks ago. He came close to being hospitalised, he said it was the worst illness he has ever had.

    Oh, and I donated blood a few weeks ago, I guess the NHS blood transfusion service knows what they are doing
  • 4
    don't worry, It's nothing. I got Pfizer myself (2 doses, gonna get 3rd eventually)

    had no problems, no symptoms, no covid (or I didn't feel it) same for my family, my colleagues, my gf and her family. All vaccinated, pretty much everyone with a different brand, everyone is ok

    right after the second dose I had a *very* minor fever that went away in a couple of hours and that's the last of that. No need to listen to the fearmongering media, no one is dying. I'd go for Moderna or Pfizer

    I remember one DevRant user who had trouble after the shot, I think it was @Wisecrack? How are you feeling buddy? did you recover fully?
  • -1
    @Fast-Nop USA, we called our life insurance and asked.
  • -1
    I got covid a month ago. Took vitamin d, zinc, and ivermectin. Took about a week to get over. Mild symptoms. Just felt heavy. Whole family got it. Now I feel better than I have in a year. I wonder if it is due to spike protein shedding.
  • 2
  • 9
    @Demolishun That's fake news on both points, and especially insidious fake news on the blood donation. I really don't know what would drive people to spread such outright malicious and damaging lies around.

    Here the correct info on blood donation from the American Red Cross, available to anyone with basic Google skills: https://redcrossblood.org/local-hom...

    Here some info on the life insurance: https://reuters.com/business/...

    Oh, and "spike protein shedding" is just another point of fake news.
  • 5
    @Demolishun got a citation for the blood donation comment? 30 seconds on Google says you can give blood if you've had an approved vaccine:

    "According to the eligibility guidelines set by the FDA, if you qualify to donate blood, in most cases, you can do it any time after you’ve had your COVID-19 vaccine."

  • 2
    @Fast-Nop beat me by a few minutes!
  • 5
    From that Reuters article

    In the United States, where more than half of the population is vaccinated, major life insurers Prudential Financial (PRU.N) and Lincoln (LNC.N) told Reuters they did not ask about vaccines.

    The Insurance Compact, standards adopted by 47 U.S. states, said it did not currently allow insurers to ask vaccination questions as state insurance regulation has not yet set public policy around the vaccine and underwriting.

    However, some insurers in Britain are asking customers whether they have been inoculated, particularly if their health condition makes them more vulnerable to COVID-19, and this could affect the cost or size of their cover.

    "For those that have been fully vaccinated, our risk appetite will be higher," said Rose St Louis, protection director at Scottish Widows. "We may be able to offer improved terms to those who have had both vaccines."
  • 3
    Double Pfizer here.

    I'm still alive and kicking, the occasional itch on the arm though but I think that's psychological, or there's this 5G chip under my skin, haven't confirmed either way yet, but I have noticed the cell reception increase 🤔

    @Demolishun as your an anti-vaxxer and somehow bought into the bullshit train of fake news, i feel sorry for you.

    @thirdworld, I don't know anyone that's had Moderna, but it's being rolled out in Australia. So it can't be all bad I guess.
  • 3
    Double astrazeneca. All good, a little soreness and nothing more. Hope to be inserted in the third shot soon.

    My lungs are permanently scarred by pertussis and my mother had to dig a tomb for my 42 days old sister for the same illness. I wish that there was the vaccine at the times...
  • 3
    @nibor I don't wear masks unless I have to, occasionally hand sanitize and haven't been vaccinated (yet), thing is I always took multivitamins and I take care of my health so it feels awful being forced to do something you know you don't need.
  • 1
    I told you before that this guy is from the wrong corner
  • 1
    And this thread opener came out of this same whole
  • 4
    Statistically, whatever they offer is better than no vaccine at all.
    And if they offer a booster after the second shot - don't miss out on that too.

    Moderna is one of the mRNA vaccines. They seem to work pretty good in reducing the risks of severe symptoms when you actually get the real thing (and you will get it sooner or later as Corona is endemic almost everywhere on this planet now).

    Don't forget, that the vaccine isn't actually likely to prevent you from getting Covid in the long run.
    It is more like a training drill for your immune system. Covid is mutating, but whatever variant you get, your immune system will have seen something similar already and therefore will be better prepared for it than if untrained.
  • 4
    don't be scared, the needle is tiny
  • 5
    @thirdworld masks are meant to protect others not primarily yourself. Just because you feel like you are healthy and would be just fine, doesn't mean others around you are the same
  • 2
    Don't get it if you don't want it. No one can force you to do anything you don't want to do, you just have to accept the consequences of your actions at all times. Many will say not getting a vaccine is a terrible idea. They will fill your thread with logic and facts and punish misinformation.

    But if you listen to your inner conscience that still small voice can resound thunderously and drown out the critics and guide your actions to what is truly best for you.
  • 3
    Are you 5? Do you also avoid the dentist?
  • 0
    Don't listen to the "I got it but I'm fine..."

  • 1
  • 0
    My whole family had the vaccines, all have their two doses, one family meber has already the third.
    We have astra+biontec, Double moderna and double biontec.
    I only felt ill for one day after my second shot. I got my AU (pieces of paper for my insurance and my employer that says that i am unable to work) without an appointment and some people i know where able to get it for me. After an day i was able to work again without problems.
  • 0
    get the vaccine and get it over with.

    trust me.

    you do NOT want to spend a few months without sense of taste and smell, like i did.
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