Comment if you gone through this...!!

  • 1
    Don't fall asleep
  • 2
    My manager is the one who usually says yes. Except he actually says "Six months? Pfft, we'll have it done in three."

    Meanwhile everyone else is like "No no no no don't!"
  • 4
    This is why I always tell my new jr's before we go into a meeting.

    "Don't say anything, you're a fly on the wall. And if you do say something, for God sakes don't commit to anything."
  • 3
    Even the projector lady knows.
  • 1
    You don't have to be senior to be really interested into seeing the world burn.
  • 4
    A few years back when all of us were juniors, my senior once commented on a junior dev who did this :

    "Yea, it took 9 months for his/her mother to deliver the baby, but the baby impatiently hastened the day to 6 months."
  • 1
    Haha the over confidence!
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