
What’s with the ratings?

  • 4
    New apple feature? Try what happens if you change the font or display scaling (surely that's possible on iOS, right?).
  • 3
    Looks like it's truncating everything. Dates, the report and reply links...
  • 2
    @electrineer reopening the app helped. Maybe some weird rendering glitch @dfox
  • 3
    “text-overflow: ellipsis” much?
  • 4
    It is an attempt to be more inclusive of the people who just suc...have lower numbers.
  • 4
    Extended rating display is a premium feature.
  • 1
    That's just Apple UX. Nothing to complain, back to work boys.
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    @Floydimus you hate apple, I get it. But I’m more than sure that this is a bug in devRant or in whatever “native” shit dfox used to implement the app.
  • 0
    @kiki why is iOS unable to render it well whereas the same feature works fine in Android?

    If it was dR issue then we should be able to reproduce the same in Android.

    Also, I don't hate Apple, but certain userbase (not you ofc).
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    @Floydimus because it’s a hybrid app, not native for any of the platforms, but not browser-based
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    @kiki hmmm only Dave can tell what's going wrong.
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    @Floydimus it's like you have an syntax akin to JSX. You build your entire UI, and when you run the app, there are native components underneath every element. The bug is not iOS-specific, as I have never seen such a bug in IOS itself, given the native components are the same in devRant app and in iOS.

    This bug is tricky to reproduce. The further research is needed to reproduce it on Android, as it also supports ellipsis overflow.

    The reasons I can think of are:

    1. There is an iOS-specific code. If that's the case, it means dfox wrote it.

    2. There is an interop bug in the toolchain. I always said that if it's not native, it's trash.

    SwiftUI doesn't have an ellipsis overflow on by default. Unlike the web, the ellipsis overflow in tools like React Native is defined in symbols, not in pixels. If it has an ellipsis, this means there is a code that defines the string length explicitly. I think it was a hack used by dfox to fit the text into that gray rectangle.
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    @kiki While this is technical for me to understand in first, it does makes some sense and I appreciate you helping me understand tech (as always 😄).

    One more approach, I could suggest is raise a Github issue for Dave to notice and address the bug.
  • 2
    @Floydimus thanks :)

    Over the years I have been posting about devRant UI glitches. However, I won't open a single issue and won't help in any way until one of the following criteria is met:

    1. devRant should make a full disclosure about using Carbon Ads, the platform that among other things collect user data on behalf of BuySellAds, the company that never disclosed the list of third-parties they sell or otherwise transfer data to. Their legal agreement only mentions that they will transfer data to any third party they want. Now, the remarketing ID is all that's needed to track you, thanks to Facebook and Google.

    2. devRant should remove Carbon Ads script and rely on supporters only, or introduce the other mechanism of explicit financial support. Given devRant traffic, ads generate no significant profit anyway.
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    @Floydimus if you use devRant not in browser but as an app on your mobile device, you have no easy way of blocking this kind of tracking other than using external firewalls such as PiHole, or using a VPN that blocks tracking scripts.

    In browser, tracking can be easily blocked with AdGuard and other extensions alike. This is not possible when you use the devRant app.
  • 0
    @kiki You have all the right to put forth your demands and it is Dave's right to agree to them or not.

    Either way, there are ton of functional and design issues on devRant alongside inconsistencies between web and mobile interfaces.

    >devRant should remove Carbon Ads script and rely on supporters only

    Responding on this, back in days, I was the first who noticed an ad on this platform and made a post about it calling in community and having a discussion with Dave and Tim, to understand why we needed an ad to sponsor the platform & operations.

    It was a massive thread where the community was understanding and supportive of the decision.

    That's when I said, 'fuck it, let's go pro' and joined the supporter program. That again got massive traction and many, many users joined the supporter program to fund the platform.

    It was surely an emotional moment for me with respect to this platform and together we all tried our best to save the devRant.
  • 1
    @Floydimus it’s not about ads. People do not realize that, no matter how many times I explained that.

    Carbon Ads script collects your data and it’s sold to an arbitrarily amount of third parties. That’s the issue.
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    @kiki Yes, I do understand the underlying privacy issue and that sucks.

    Maybe, they can replace carbon ads with some better service provider.
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    Wait - DevRant has ads?!
    I always thought, DevRant to actually be an ad for some bigdata toolkit itself...

    Why would there be ads in an ad?
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    @Oktokolo read my comment above. It's not just the ads. Ads can be turned on or off, but the script is always there collecting data, and there is no easy way to block it if you're using a devRant mobile app.
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    @Floydimus as of today, there is no way to include ads without also including tracking. Hence, my criteria are the way they are.
  • 0
    I did read it, but:
    The tracking is part of the chosen ad network. So if there where no ads, the site probably wouldn't run scripts of an ad network - be it Carbon Ads or any other.

    So it all boils down to mentioned ad-ception...
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    @Oktokolo no. Unless the script is removed completely, it's either just tracking or tracking + ads.
  • 0
    @Oktokolo no. Unless the script is removed completely, it's either just tracking or tracking + ads.
  • 1
    Of course you would remove the ad network scripts when stopping using an ad network.
    And of course any lazy fuck as a coder won't make the loading of the script depending on user preferences (at least until being fined for the GDPR violation, it actually is).

    So, _obviously_, the way to go is to remove ads from site as a whole. They are only seen by a tiny minority of devs anyways - as devs normally have working ad blocking.
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    @kiki then you and many others (including myself) don't support the platform.

    Why should we expect anything for free?
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    @Floydimus I’m ready to become a supporter if I realize that without me and others like me, the platform won’t exist. But now I feel like there is no choice, my data is being sold without my consent, not even a cookie popup. That makes me sad and I don’t want to support a platform like this.

    Also, running a server that is capable to handle devRant traffic is not expensive, $100 a month will do.
  • 0
    @Oktokolo exactly.

    This is the first comment of yours that I perceive as clever. Of course you don’t need my opinion and it shouldn’t influence you in any way unless you decide so, but anyway I now see that my meme of you eating glue in the background as Fast-Nop and Rememberme fight gradually becomes outdated.
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    @Floydimus why should we expect that everything comes with a cost? The core of Internet is free, the commercial part is just a guest.
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    Operations cost money. How do you think a product would survive?

    Maybe a non profit model would also do, but there has to be a revenue stream.

    @Kiki terms and conditions mention it when you sign up?
  • 1
    @Floydimus why does everything have to be a product?
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    @Floydimus as of today, when you visit devRant without signing in, there is no way to either disable tracking or give consent. There is no popup.

    Before I post things like this, I do my homework. When I'm not sure about something, I don't post. This rule applies to all of my serious posts and comments.
  • 1
    @electrineer good focus on words :/

    @kiki okay. Then we can ask Dave to add it maybe.
  • 2
    @Floydimus choice of words are part of discourse, and these choices in discourse can define the conclusion.
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    @electrineer "why should we expect that everything comes with a cost?"

    It's like expecting a stranger to clean your car and not ask for anything in return.

    The things which come closest to being free are the elements which are plenty in nature for everyone.

    When you're at a stage where you cannot bear the cost of something, there are others who bear it for you.
    But the cost remains still.

    Nothing is free.
  • 1
    @-red you're assuming that the car needs cleaning.
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    @-red don’t mix up infinitely copyable digital things that startupers build once and sell twice with tangible material stuff.

    Apart from concepts, I already explained that the product with traffic similar to devRant is very cheap to host. Even current supporters are more than enough.

    BuT wAiT wHaT abOuT pRoFit you ask? Every startup and pet project (contrary to large businesses meant to be large from the very beginning) is about the ego, and only then about the money. Also, dfox owns Pipeless, straight up commercial B2B.
  • 0
    @electrineer Yes, I am. The case where a user doesn't want something adds nothing to this argument and doesn't prove anything. It's only when you want something that you realise a cost.
    Are you telling me now that you're certain about what all users don't want ?
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