Me: *Installs travis*

Dev: oh what's travis?

Me: it's a continuous integration tool I wanna setup.

Dev: ... contin.... ?

Me: continuous integration, a tool that performs builds.

Dev: ah!, is it the new version of that deprecated tool we were using "client access"?

Me: ... no ... that's an authentication service that generates and stores oauth tokens. This is the continuous integration tool I told you about yesterday (and last week and the week before).

Dev: ... contin....

Me: ... con ........ continuous integration. It listens to branches on GitHub, downloads, builds, tests and then deploys the code.

Dev: ah ok ok, cool.

I would bet my monthly fucking salary he can not repeat what I said, tell me what oauth is, or explain what he's working on at the minute.

Jesus at this rate I'd bet my salary he can't tell me my name.

  • 20
    Is it Travis?
  • 9
    How cool ! Didn't know Tony Stark made his AI a continuum interpolation software :)
  • 11
    Sounds like you know something your team doesn't. Give them a course?
  • 3
    @ChappIO it's 1 guy and I have. Sent him links and docs. Keeps saying reading them is "too boring", yet pesters me with questions
  • 2
    Get him to automate things, set up conditionals, skip builds if only changes are .md files, set up webhooks to team chat. He'll wake up in a week or so, will thank you (much) later ;)
  • 2
    @Strannch you talking about Jarvis?
  • 0
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