My employer is now under investigation by the government for illegal business practices. #blessed

  • 2
    So, illegal to customers opposed to illegal to employees?
    Either way, this is heavy.
  • 13
    Thought this was @johnmelodyme.
  • 2
    Shady businesses... Fuck!!
  • 8
    @Cyanide omg hahahahah . Currently I have no rants. 🤣🤣
  • 2
    So what's the story?
  • 4
    @johnmelodyme Tough to say without easily identifying myself.

    The jist involves under the table dealings that involved the use and alleged abuse of public (government) funding.

    I know the people in the department involved very well…I’m not surprised.
  • 2
    @Cyanide tags should have given it away though
  • 1
    man you have to write it on reddit so some random will make youtube videos about you
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