
How we should treat depressed teenagers ??

  • 8
    Take away their phones, heals 80% of depressed teenagers
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    @petergriffin may be he is 24h on his phone
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    @petergriffin a conservative, I guess 🤔
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    @Kadeder probably the excessive phone isn’t the cause but just a symptom, in any case I suggest a mental health professional. I don’t understand why are you asking for help on a software developer social platform, your problem is serious and a bad solution can make things worse. I invite you to use at least a platform with verified medical professionals.
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    Attack of the green dots!
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    @petergriffin Not only the phone, but also the gangsta rap and the weed. Then one or two months in a bootcamp (a real one), and they're good to go.
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    the cure for depression is pressure, by definition of the word. Therefore we should pressurize them
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    @Fast-Nop you should be joking, I hate gangsta rap with all my being but a music style cannot make an otherwise same people depressed
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    @DEVil666 Ok, so no objections to the bootcamp. :-)
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    @DEVil666 excessive screen time is a symptom and a cause. It's a feed back loop.

    Taking away technology and forcing outdoor activity doesn't cure depression, but it cures the symptoms.

    Some people can stay inside and use phones and be fine, while others can't, much like an addiction.

    A real treatment for depression involves regimented screen time, exercise, and outdoor time, but isn't limited by it.
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    @lungdart Treatment for depression also maybe more importantly involves proper time organization and something with a purpose to do

    If you have something worth doing, and you're actually doing it, screen time might not actually affect you that much
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    Give em pills to cheat some time and then treat what depresses them. Chances are, it is also depressing a lot of adults.
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    Make them exercise.
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    @Demolishun no lie the lack of exercise is a huge problem. It is directly linked to the release of mood related chemicals.

    I think we should legalize all the depression helping drugs (mdma, mushrooms, weed) and also make schools start later, and make high school more relevant to real life, to a degree.
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    I bet it’s social media, lack of sleep, bad diet, lack of vitamin d and of course movement and exercise. There are teens with conditions you shouldn’t be having that young
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    I’m willing to bet teens aren’t sleeping and staying up at 3 am arguing on the internet and playing call of duty. Lacking sleep is a fast way to destroy your brain, let alone your entire body
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    ill tell you whats not gonna happen, moving towards a world and society worth living in #edgy #doomer
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    If school takes chronotypes into account, becomes actually relevant and engaging, and pupils don't have to worry about their economic future - then legalizing drugs should have no measurable impact.
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    Take them to some dangerous isolated island, jungle, or desert, leave them to fend of for themselves while keeping watch on them so they don't die. They won't have time for depression when the survival instinct kicks in. Pick them up after a week. Make sure it is in some very poor country as well, so they learn to appreciate how lucky they are.
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