Not a rant, just wondering.
What's your favorite editor (not IDE) out there?

- Atom
- Sublime Text
- Visual Studio Code
- Notepad++
- nano
- Other (name it)

I'm trying Atom Editor, I've been a fan of Sublime Text for a couple of years. Tried VS Code, not a chance. Any suggestions?

  • 1
    Atom is pretty amazing. Plugins make it. Don't over do it though or it'll fuck your memory. Keep it light. Sublime is amazing too, but for me, Atom is just that little bit smoother. VS Code is OK. Probably excels for some .NET or Powershell stuff, but I use Visual Studio for that.
  • 4
    I'm actually using "Adobe Brackets".
    Basically is like Sublime Text but more extendable and more "visual".
    Give it a try!
  • 2
    I have used Brackets exclusively for the past year or so. It's pretty great.
  • 1
    I use emacs for pretty much all of my editing.
  • 1
    Sublime Text is my favorite. If I'm stuck in command line only Nano is my choice.
  • 0
    I switch between vim and Atom. Mostly Atom though. Love its plugins.
  • 0
    I just use Notepad++
  • 0
    usually vim or a jetbrains ide.
    atom sometimes, mostly when i need to edit something that require lots of terminal interaction(grep, sed mostly) or is on a FTP and vcs isnt an option.
  • 0
    Well a bunch, Nano, trying out emacs, wasn't able to exit vim, (😅) textwrangler, notepad++ etc.
  • 2
    @trick0 been hearing about this one for a while. I'll give it a try.
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    jetbrains only (:
  • 1
    @patoncrispy oh, it suffers from “Chrome Syndrome.” I'll keep it in mind. Thanks!
  • 0
    Surprised no ones mentioned PSPad.
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    I usually use atom for simple text editing, but fall back to vim for terminal-only machines
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    Notepad2 Mod as Windows notepad replacement. Bought sublime 3, but not using it so much. Nano when on Ubuntu.
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    Give a try to IntelligIDE.
  • 0
    Notepad, why do you need a fancy IDE... unless I am actually writing code, then VS 2015
  • 1
    Brackets (Yes from Adobe)
  • 1
  • 0
    VIM if I'm using terminal a lot
    Use to use Notepad++ and it's not bad just feels dated.
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    Atom and Visual Studio Code. They're both really great editors.
  • 0
    I am JS Dev and I have tried all listed. Been stuck on Atom for the last 6months although I think for JS VS Code is starting to seem appealing. I have started using that on a rainy day.
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    I switched to Coda for its site management and built in ftp and publish+save functionality.
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    Brackets for when I'm doing personal Web Development projects.

    Android Studio for Android dev (obviously)

    Eclipse for Java projects

    Vim for files accessed through the command line

    Atom for anything else I may do.
  • 0
    Textmate and VI
  • 0
    Tried sublime, textmate, np++, brackets, atom and have ended up using vs code because it handled jsx w/out issue.
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