
Mmm, yess. I'd like to work for free...

  • 10
    craftiplays no longer accepting applications

    Thomas van Buuren
    CEO @ BullNice

    found active one :D


    - 0 playing right now
  • 14
    @vane build games for a failed company for free... oooh you get equity and "experience", but I have to be a master coder 😂

    Good lord the world is full of imbeciles.
  • 2
    Would work as a side gig for someone.

    The "0 playing right now" seems to be a bug (i.e. not fetching each individual server's stats) - if you click on each server, it shows people in there.
  • 2
    Hmm... I have the strangest feeling... I feel as if my time was just wasted!

    Well, at least it's nice to know I'm "welcome to leave"!
  • 7
    I would apply and tell them "I am unable to deliver any actual value to the company ATM"

    If they want to add stupid stipulations like this then why can't the candidate.
  • 1
    Isn't it meant as "we don't want to publish the salary"?
  • 3
    @PonySlaystation perhaps. The English is spotty in the ad, so they may not realize what this means to the reader. I still wouldn't apply. Communication would be a nightmare if that's their ad... Plus all the other things wrong with this
  • 1
    Maybe they meant they're not providing salary information.... in their job advert. Though usually if salary information is not present, they don't go through the trouble of pointing that out.
  • 7
    @nitnip Or they'll use the "salary contingent upon experience" line and still play games with numbers.

    I actually cut off a phone screen last summer when looking for a new job when I got that line, it went a bit like this:

    "okay well I assume you have my resume up in front of you on this call?"


    "And you can see all of my career accomplishments"


    "Okay, so what does this position start at?"

    "Well it depends on your individual experi-"

    "Have a nice day, good luck with your candidate search" *click*
  • 3

    1 Accept.
    2 Cluster the infra to a mining rig.
    3 ...?
    4 Profit!
  • 1
    Kind of dumb to have this kind of job offer on the internet because we all know what will happen... or worse they get someone who sabotages their worthless company.

    I swear there should legally be an IQ test before having the right to found a company.
  • 2
    people have little respect for passion driven careers. game devs are treated as complete trash and the worst part is that some would take that shitty treatment just to work in the field
  • 2
    @darksideofyay but there is a reason for this. The “passionate” game dev gives 2 years for free. Now starving, he turns to the first offer he can get, well below the median salary for his experience. But, since he hasn’t really been participating in the market, he has no idea. Then they try offering a little less to each applicant. This spreads and eventually pushes the median salary down. Simplified example but you see the risk.
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