Sublime died because Atom happened and I'm glad it's free.

  • 0
    @JerreMuesli Yeah. But I'm using a fine computer right now. Hopefully, it improves.
  • 3
    I loved Atom, but it would have a 50% chance of crashing when saving. Also it is slow with big files. Hopefully in the future they fix these problems and it will be perfect!
  • 7
    try opening 500mb logs files n you will which ones the best. Sublime works like a charm.
  • 1
    @kabiir unless they die of old age? :D
  • 7
    I honestly started using VSCode and it feels good
  • 0
    Sublime ftw!
  • 0
    Oh, I see. I will try VS Code again soon. Thanks.
  • 0
    Ha ha. Good joke.
  • 1
    @Greggergalactic I have no problems opening 500 line CSS files. Although at that point you'd be better off using SCSS and split it into modules.
  • 1
    Atom works fine with mine. Anyways, I just installed VSCode. This is beautifulsladfjqlhhdfajklhjbhjkzdlfajkgfjadsfa
  • 1
    @loserboi welcome :)
  • 2
    Sublime might be less active but it will always wipe the floor with anything that isn't native.

    - a VSCode user

    On a side note, don't be cheap and invest in your tools (how else would they exist).
  • 2
    I have never had a reason to complain about VS Code, its probably one of Microsoft's best-working applications.
  • 2
    Sublime is dead? News to me.
  • 2
  • 0
    @Artemix bit of an oversimplification no?
  • 0
    nothing can kill my Nano except ed, the standard editor >:(
  • 1
    @JerreMuesli Think that's you. Use it all the time and even with like 10 windows open its still smooooth 😄
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