
Any good Windows CMD alternative?

  • 7
    I can really recommend a tool called cmder:

  • 4
    Powershell or cygwin
  • 1
    Im using cmder
  • 1
  • 1
    Install gentoo
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    I like using Cygwin
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    Ignore everyone hear who didn't say PowerShell. Seriously, it's better than bash so don't even.

    I use it along with ConEmu.
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    I definitely prefer Zsh to PowerShell, but Zsh would only run on a Unix like environment like WSL or Cygwin, both of which are not nearly as nice as running it on a natively supported environment, so for Windows the best shell is probably PowerShell optionally in combination with ConEmu.
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    With cmder you can run multiple shells, including powershell

    Used conEmu before, but fancy cmder better
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    system(char[] command);
    // c++
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    If you like cygwin you have to check out babun which is a really good wrapper for it https://babun.github.io
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    Another one for cmder.
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    If you're talking about the interface, try ConEmu. It's very nice, though kind of hideous out of the box. Somme tweaking, though, and it's beautiful.
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    You could also checkou hyper. You can nearly tweak and customize every part of it.

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    Powershell and ConEmu. Never use that caveman cmd.exe. You could also get the chocolatey package manager and install openssh + GNU Coreutils
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    I was hopping this was a joke...
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    @strider no Windows build.
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    The funny part is that I have installed it on my Windows machine. They removed the download link.
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    The 64-bit version is available.
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    @strider ... Fucking mobile sites.
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    Cmder with powershell and scoop as package manager http://scoop.sh
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    I use posh-git wit powershell to pimp my shell while i git
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    I used cmder when i did my coding on windows, i didnt like the responsiveness when in a large git folder due to the status checking. Now i use terminator with zsh + ohmyzsh and i definitely recommend it. Programming on Unix is way more efficient and easy. I'm not a windows hater; i use it too, but every tool has its uses.
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