
I made a little tool that checks for the 15 newest rants every 5 minutes, and downvotes them if they contain "algo" or "algorythm".

Clone repo, fill out config.json, and enjoy!


  • 5
    Looks like your rant triggered it :p
  • 0
  • 2
    @algoRythm fight for your rights!
  • 1
    Haha, awesome man. You gave people to much power ;)
  • 10
  • 3
    Also, I hope you know you made a system that hates ME, not the Algo. Algo is short for Algorithm, not algorythm, so...
  • 0
    What's the point of this exactly?
  • 0
    But why?
  • 0
    @dreik Not much.
  • 0
    @tilde Because why not.™
  • 0
    Umm... Okay...
  • 4
    @skiilaa Maybe it should have been the other way around you know. Instead of downvoting, upvote rants that have swearing words in them. Those real rants deserves an auto upvote 😊
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm never seen it with an "i", just with an "y"
  • 1
    @magnusi @AlgoRythm Gonna fix, in the next update you can specify words in the config file.
  • 0
    @magnusi @skiilaa Wait, really? I was sincerely unaware.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm actually, you know what? I am wrong, my mother tongue is a lie
  • 1
    I wonder what dfox thinks about this
  • 9
    I'm definitely not ok with this. I might have upvoted it but missed what it was actually doing.

    We don't allow any automated voting and anyone who uses anything that does may have their account deleted.
  • 6
    Also, just to add, even a single misplaced downvote (saying spam/offensive) when it's not generally results in being downvote banned right away and your downvotes no longer count at all, permanently.
  • 6
    @dfox sounds like your brain was doing automated (up)voting without evaluating content 😀
  • 3
    @dfox The repository was removed. Thanks for clarifying.
  • 5
    @skiilaa thanks

    @magnusi in this case yes, but in general my upvotes should not be taken as me agreeing with or promoting the content. I frequently upvote good rants about Windows being shitty or Apple being crap but I don't necessarily agree with them. Like most discussions, you shouldn't downvote because you disagree with something and in general I try to upvote quality content, which I may not agree with.
  • 2
    @dfox aye, understood. Anyways, it was to make a pun, not a point 😀
  • 1
    @dfox How can we tell if our downvotes no longer count? I'd like some sort of email or something which says I am no longer a soldier in the fight against reposts.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm mine doesnt count anymore. if i downvote and click on the rant, the downvote disappears.
  • 2
    @skiilaa Its good that you can know, but I'm quite afraid to test it now.
  • 2
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