
Dude. Gimp sucks. I've been using it for about 10 years, and I really want it to be something it's just never going to be. It just sucks.

  • 1
    It lives up to its name
  • 3
    Why do you keep using it for 10 years if it sucks for your usage
  • 1
    It depends what you're using it for

    Besides I think adobe photo shop sucks just as bad if not worse
  • 0
    @zlice possibly, depending on what you need it for
  • 0
    @zlice you could try Krita
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    @zlice I use Paint.NET (getpaint.net) but it’s only available on Windows. Every (and I mean _every_) *nix FOSS alternative I have tried sucks badly.

    The only thing I wish Paint.NET did better was allowing me to edit fonts in text layers after I click out of them.
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