Web development is the worst!
I still cannot understand why it is not possible for browsers to correctly support all official specs... Exceptions here and there, dirty fix for this one, add a little margin here, hide this...
The daily struggle never stops.
Don't even get me startet with PHP!
Next round is on me ;)

  • 3
    autoprefixer to the rescue!
  • 1
    I hear you. I once had to be driven out to a customer for a bug nobody could reproduce in house. Turns out Safari 9 throws an exception when you try to access local storage in private mode. Who knew... 😛🔫
  • 2
    @tkglaser fucking Safari...
  • 2
    @nblackburn +1 for autoprefixer
  • 1
    @nblackburn I tried it out in VS Code some months ago, but it had not all prefixes and a bug, so in LESS I began to create mixins for the ones I often need (transform, ...) ;)
  • 0
    @qbasic16 it is meant as a compile step not an editor plugin.
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