At a large enterprise-sized company, you are protecting the code and product from outside / bad actors constantly trying to break in. (🧠)

At a medium or small-sized company, you are protecting the code and product from clueless customers or users who can potentially break things for themselves. (🧠🧠)

At a sTaRtUp, you are protecting the code and product from being destroyed by the incompetent owners themselves. (🧠🧠🧠+)

  • 3
    *meanwhile me in a medium to large income company writing the 2nd reminder mail that projects and or dependencies of a project with a NVD score > 7.5 lead to pulling the plug*

    One of the joyful things is pulling the plug and just watching the mayhem unfold.

    I love destruction.
  • 1
    I work for an enterprise, they have the mindset of a startup, the system can't be defended from every ass hat. I'm just a firefighter against a fire tornado.
  • 0
    Peter Drucker (paraphrased): "A well-run company is a boring company. If people are running around in chaos all day, something is very wrong with the management there."
  • 1
    I used to seriously consider joining a local IT startup some time before I joined devRant. Never have I ever changed my opinion faster.
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