
Yesterday I used a company service account to email over 1,000 internal employees (mostly application managers and the like) about an old OS version their servers are using which must be upgraded in a few months. It's an automated email that will repeat each month until the servers are upgraded.

That is not the part that might get me fired.

The part that might get me fired is an easter egg I left in the html content of the email itself.

In the embedded html of the message, I buried a comment block that contains a full-screen ascii-art drawing of a spooky tree and grim reaper standing beside a tombstone. The tombstone has the OS info and dates on it. Beneath the ascii-art is a bastardized quote in homage to Metallica's "For Whom The Bell Tolls", referring to the OS end-of-life.

The ascii-art is visible in both the html and the internal git repo that contains the email template.

This is a bit of a shoe-horn for this weekly group rant, as I doubt there is any chance I would really be fired over this, as I (sadly) expect that absolutely NO ONE who receives the messages will ever actually see the comments. But it's out there in the corporate network now... and will be sent over and over for the next few months...

There is a better chance someone may catch the easter egg in the git repo, but I kind-of doubt that, too - so I wanted to at least share with my devRant friends that it's out there, so at least someone else knows than just me. 😝

  • 36
    The worst thing is when you do something clever and no one notices
  • 3
    @core YES! That is exactly what I was trying to say.
  • 8
    You know what’s worse?
    Doing one bad thing and getting it noticed by everyone when they give their attention.
  • 9
    @bishalthapasht One of my favorite Dilbert cartoons is part of an ongoing series of strips where Dilbert feels he's becoming more and more unappreciated and invisible at work.

    [ From memory, probably not very accurate. ]

    One day he comes home and tells Dogbert: "I significantly increased my visibility at work today!"

    Dogbert replies, "You screwed something up, didn't you?"

    "Oh yeah, big time!"
  • 0
    I was just wondering this, what if someone from your office is on devRant ans saw this?

    And I suppose, grim reaper on a dying OS shouldn't get you fired.
  • 1
    Anyone from the office who see this will be like... Omg!! Must find the code... Cause anyone here is a pure nerd, right? Right? Yeah you know I'm right
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