
Hey Devs!
What do you do when you get stressed while working? 🤯

  • 6
    Alcohol abuse mostly
  • 12
    Think about how much I hate my coworkers. That’s usually step #1 of everything I do at work.

    If it’s something I can do something about:
    • Stimulants.
    • Do/fix/improve/finish whatever it is.
    • Let others know (and get ignored).
    • Leave a paper trail showing I did it.
    • Worry they’ll be angry anyway.

    If I can’t, or (most likely) if there’s drama:
    • Do something to calm down, like tea, Netflix, job searching, talking to family.
    • Think more about how much I hate my coworkers.
    • Rant (to family or here).
    • Alcohol.
    • Repeat the above until I stop caring.

    (Metallica’s Unforgiven plays in the distance)
  • 4
    @Root you would be my best friend at work.

    To answer the question. It changes depending on what's bothering me.

    Lack of leadership or outright chaos at work? I play Minecraft. I have a farm that I'm building, it's therapeutic because there's nothing else I need to worry about. Dig, water, plant, harvest, repeat.

    Feel dismissed and underutilized? I have a couple personal projects I work on. One is a home OS I'm developing that is cloudless and completely decentralized within the house.

    There's a handful of other coping mechanisms I use, but you probably get the gist.
  • 2
    Swear, wank my pp, play video games
  • 1
    Usually get stressed more.
    Meanwhile probably listen to intense music.
    If not music, then it might be random talking to myself.
    And at some point, toilet break for a small relax.
  • 1
    Scream internally
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    Give this bad boy a squeeze
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    Youtube is always nice for some distraction.
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    I can't work under stress, especially the stress of being watched. And if I don't find it beneficial to report stress points, I don't do shit. Since then, I only do WFH for a living.
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    I rationalize by diverting that stress on how the world is ending anyway. Then it's easy to relax since none of that shit matters anyway. YOLOOOOOO!
  • 1
    either kick into overdrive (which lasts at maximum 6 hours) and then shut down, or shut down right away.

    to cope with the stress in my off-time, alcohol, weed, tv shows, videos, and games. which is basically the same as my normal off-time.
  • 1
    In private? A lot of cursing.

    In public? A lot of silent cursing.
  • 3
    Depending on the stress level. If the stress is medium , I cook food. But if my stress is not torelatable, I will cook the person who caused this stress together with my food. 🔥👍
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    @johnmelodyme wait until Gordon Ramsay hear this shit.
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    @nothingannon oh sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
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    - snus

    - sit on the beach

    - read a book

    sometimes all three.
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    @glemiere That's funny. You look forward and I look back. Can you name 3 people who lived between 1700-1800? Nothing I do will ever matter in a 100 years.
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