Interviewer: Time limit for this exercise was an hour and you took 2 hours so you fail. Best of luck next time

Dev: Look I really don’t think your assessment has a very fair time limit. The only way you could do this in an hour is by knowing what the problem was beforehand and having all these niche utilities written ahead of time.

Interview: Oh yeah we had one guy that did that, he did the entire thing in only 45 minutes! We hired him immediately!

Dev: …

  • 21
    Well. Bullet dodged. That guy can keep that job and the BS that comes with it 😂
  • 3
    How did he know what the problem was ahead of time?
  • 11
    @PeterDCarter there are whole businesses built around training devs for interviews and let them memorize typical coding tasks just to pass the interview.
    Needless to say, they will never need this "knowledge" in their actual job.
  • 3
    @PeterDCarter My guess would be he sent in fake application to get them to show their hand first and then sent in his real one
  • 3
    @Lensflare Yup and sounds like these companies end up with a bunch of devs who can’t figure anything out unless they’ve been shown the answer beforehand.
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