this is only my opinion, add your 2c to it.

I feel like since a few weeks, devRant gets always shittier. Reposts, pseudo funny rants (especially 404 rants) and dated memes. I cannot read my "timeline" without getting angry about all the reposts that aim to get 500 ++. The report repost function doesnt seem te work right and to my anger, the image repost filter doesnt work properly (i know, it scans pixel4pixel, but it still doesnt seem to work on the exact same pic)

Therefore, I would propose, that there are some Moderators that have "sudo" powers and (example) can edit rants of other people after 5mins to correct grammar/writing. Or delete reposts without waiting and also remove the image of rants.

In a beginning, people >5000 could be mod, if a mod uses his sudo power in a bad manner, he can be reported and downgraded.

What do you think?

  • 8
    While I totally fucking agree about the nonsense going on right now, I'm not sure about moderators yet. All I know is I use the recent tab to downvote each and every repost before others have to see it. I think it takes a few repost votes to hide it for people who have the setting to hide reposts, but I'm doing my part.
    Personally, I think requiring a minimum length of like 100 characters on any post with a photo will make them have to at least try to just post shitty memes without context.
  • 0
    @runfrodorun :(
  • 0
    @iam13islucky that could be a valid idea
  • 0
    @dfox just so you see the debate
  • 5
    @linuxer4fun I don't exactly agree with @runfrodorun here. I see his point about cars, but DevRant isn't an unfeeling corporation, it's a community. Trying to keep a community from going too far off the deep end is much more possible than trying to convince a billion dollar industry to listen to a single person's complaint when they're still raking in the dough.
  • 1
    @runfrodorun I'm not worried about upvotes, I downvote to clear the feed. It gets them out of my sight, and others, so I'll keep doing it
  • 2
    @runfrodorun doesn't mean we can't try to change things. I've got enough free time to spitball ideas, so I'll do so. Worst case, we can't fix it and we wasted time, but I waste time on here on purpose, so eh
  • 1
    Well for me it hasn't really changes though I can now never finish reading week the rants for a day now...

    My desktop app though has its own algo and now just defaults to the Top feed. I use Algo on phone though but don't use phone often.

    I think though devRant is now to big for just 2 guys, not even sure how they keep the lights on...
  • 1
    Also 500 is a mythical goal. It's like winning a lottery. I've never seen in the Weekly feed.
  • 2
    I suggest allowing users tags to posts, and adding user-defined filtering. So you can filter "#spam>10“ or "#repost > 4" and everyone can manage their own experience.
  • 1
    @elazar thats a nice idea!
  • 1
    @linuxer4fun 10x
  • 4
    Sorry, but I completely disagree.

    This week we actually had our best week of rants ever, in my opinion. Mainly due to the weekly rant.

    The last few weeks, we also had our lowest amount of image posts ever too. A couple of weeks ago, 0 image posts were in the top 10 rants of the week. That had never happened before.

    What sort method do you use?

    As for moderators - it's possible in the future, but the criteria will absolutely not be how many points you have. That would be ridiculous lol.

    So yeah, while we are trying to constantly improve quality, if you think quality has decreased over the last few weeks you're either not paying attention that closely or just want to be a moderator :)
  • 4
    I also think what @runfrodorun says is pretty much spot on for the most part and is a great example of why we can't/shouldn't have moderators.

    I've been genuinely shocked how many people complain about the democratic voting system we have and want to favor a "dictatorship" where a select few decide what content is acceptable and what isn't.

    Serious question - why should your classification of bad content and "shitty memes" count more than everyone else's and why should your vote be worth more? I've never understood that.

    @elazar good idea, we do exactly that already, automatically. And the thresholds are very low. But for reposts, you have to have "hide reposts" turned on.
  • 0
    @dfox i agree with the points, it was just a stupid idea, Nevertheless, I still think, the quality gets worse...
  • 3
    @linuxer4fun again, what sort method do you primarily use?

    You're entitled to your opinions, but statistic-wise and from someone who has pretty much read every rant, I don't agree.

    Now, there are certainly MORE rants. Hence if you are browsing recent, it will likely seem like there are more low quality ones. That's pretty much a guarantee if there are more rants being posted...
  • 0
    @dfox sorry, wasnt spot on ;)

    I always use the algo with reposts off... And why I think that the rants get worse? B'cause The amounts of rants I have to report repost gets unnormally high... Like out of fife, I find 2 reposts (exagerated) . Thats too much to read.
  • 4
    @linuxer4fun I think there could be some confusion over what most consider a repost and why we have he option. You say too much to read. In general, we don't consider textual rants, where the same ideas have already been posted, to be a repost.

    If someone posts about how they hate PHP, while it's a commonly posted about theme, I don't consider it a repost. Many people can have the same subject to rant about and we need to allow that.

    Repost is more or less only for jokes/memes that have been posted in their exact form already and aren't even an expression in the first place. From my experience those tend to get marked as reposts pretty quickly.

    As for just simple image reposts, if you are genuinely seeing as many of those as you described, then it would be helpful if you send me some links to the new rant and to the old one that's a repost so I can look for actual bugs and tweak the algorithm. If every 2 out of 5 rants in algo is a reposted image then something is broken.
  • 1
    @dfox it was overexagerated :) but I still see some imgs that commonly get reposted. I dont have links, but if I find one, ill send you the link.

    I think, we have other meanings of repost BTW, so... :)
  • 2
    @dfox the duplicate image scanner... I have no idea how that works. I did in the past, but the exact image but with different resolution uploads fine. Some users even download the image from other rant and upload it in their rant, but the scanner doesnt get it because there is some watermark in the very bottom resulting the scanner to think "oh, it is different!" .


    Also i am saying here cuz i dont think u got the email i sent bout a month ago, but there is a bug still not bein fixed.
    How to reproduce :
    1. Make a comment in a long rant, like here.
    2. Delete your comment.
    3. You cant see the latest person's comment clearly.
  • 1
    @dfox by "automatically" you mean you don't do *exactly* that... My idea was to have more than two kinds of "user tags". Everyone will be able to tag a content, and everyone will be able to filter however they want (based on e.g. some recent trend. The dual of the search option).

    The difference between user tag and a comment is twofold: they can be used as a filter (not human-oriented) and they are hidden by default, so if you want to read the comments, you will not be distracted by them.

    So yeah, it's similar to what you already do, but can be much more flexible (arbitrary tags, arbitrary filters).
  • 1
  • 1
    I agree with @linuxer4fun. Sometimes there are some low quality/reposts in my algo. Much more than in the past.

    But I don't really care, I just mark them as repost and scroll further...
  • 1
    @elazar maybe instead of the tagging method we could make upvotes more like down votes; when you press ++ there would be a menu that says "reason for upvote?" with a couple options like "Haha" and "I can relate" or the standard "I just like this" choice
  • 3
    I think that would be annoying after some time.
  • 1
    @Skayo it could be optional, like a setting, or a press-and-hold type of thing
  • 1
  • 2
    @billgates sorry :/ it happens sometimes
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