
hey devs!
Are you into gaming?
if yes, then which is your favourite game??

  • 2
    Yeah sure. PUBG, Rust, Raft, Minecraft and whatnot. Favorite is probably PUBG atm. You?
  • 3
    Waiting for upcoming plague tale requiem. Other than that, good story telling games or enjoyable gameplay. Like nier automata
  • 9
    Factorio, obviously.
  • 2
    Minecraft, Subnautica, Rust, Space Engineers, Satisfactory, and more.
  • 2
    I don't game as much as I used to but I guess my top list is still (in no particular order)
    - pokemon games for the GBA
    - Project DIVA for the PSP
    - Assassin's Creed 2
    - NieR Automata
    - Darkest Dungeon
    - FTL

    Those are the games that I actually come back again and again
  • 4
    Minecraft, Factorio, atmospherical horror games (soma, amnesia, little nightmares), half life/black mesa, wh40k mechanicus, and little nice games for ~5-20 hours (stuff like stanley parable, thalos principle, superliminal, a story about my uncle, gone home, firewatch, inside) ...
  • 2
    That may sound cliché but I've gotten obsessed with Elden Ring. I'd really like to know what kind of dark sorcery they pulled to render that erd tree, and many other objects from so far so accurately.

    Or maybe GPUs have gotten this good, idk, haven't played with rendering or gaming in 7 years and then just played Elden Ring lol, it's a lot of time.

    Anyway, I really admire the work behind this game. This is just more reassurance to me that rigor is the most important quality of an engineer.
  • 0
    I play a lot of smash bros, escapists, streets of rogue, and Mario maker.
  • 0
    Yeah. A bit of everything, but mainly action, rpg, and fighting games.
  • 0
    Pubg , Mobile legend.
  • 0
    The Witness, despite the dev being way up his own ass about his games,
    and other *open-world puzzle adventure exploration* games like Outer Wilds, FEZ, TUNIC and Hyper Light Drifter
  • 1
    I got the most hours in Factorio and The Dark Mod - but recently, i play 7 Days to Die a lot.

    I mostly play stealth immersive sims and base builders (Factorio and 7D2D count as base builder). I also like stealth games in general, RPGs that actually allow for some role playing, and believable puzzle games.
  • 2
    Valorant mostly, but i like single player games like Ac Odyssey, Witcher 3 ,Skyrim .
  • 2
    Usually MMORPG's (WoW, Elder Scrolls Online, etc.). Recently I've gotten into Star Citizen.
  • 0
    i was most active by far in VRChat.
    Stopped playing it for several reasons tho.
  • 0
    Recently the Ratchet & Clank ps3 games emulated in 4k120
  • 1
    Of all time: Silent Hill 3
    Right now I'm going through Yakuza LAD and it's amazing
  • 0
    Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, Total War: Warhammer
  • 0
    Once Upon a Time( https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame... ) & Bang( https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame...)

    World of Warcraft (classic, not retail anymore), World of Tanks, ADOM, UnReal World, The Sims 3
  • 1
    BeatSaber. The only game I'm playing

    that and minesweeper
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