anyone ever had a relative download a virus and when confronted about it they say no? even though you specifically told them not to open weird looking emails.

well, pops apparently did NOT open a ransomware email 😂 Baby, bye, bye, bye... to all the files

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    once a secretary called me to ask if a email telling her something like "you won 1.000.000 euros" was for real or a virus ... its wasn't even our currency and

    I asked her firmly : did you subscribe to any contest?

    her: no

    me: so its a virus...

    her: 😐

    than I went to my room and me and my coworker laughed at this for days 😂😂
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    For what it's worth check here http://thewindowsclub.com/list-rans... for a List of Free Ransomware Decryptor Tools to unlock files
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    I had a co-worker that claimed to have hacked/broken the AES-2048 encryption of a ransomeware virus. He was one of those people that would say things like that to sound like he knew what he was talking about, but really just made everything worse.
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    this is quality stuff guys 😂 for those wondering, this is apparently one the latest lockys(if you can call them lockys) using an rsa-2048 encryption. is there even a decryptor for these?
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    Sometimes the FBI or Interpol manage to catch the guys and release app with the keys, but that's about it.
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    My dad once got the same ransomware that my brother had gotten a month prior. He took my brother's PC to one of his friends who specializes in this kind of stuff. He got charged quite a bit of money and lost all of my brother's files. It took all weekend. So my dad has this ransomware and doesn't want to go to the same guy because he didn't want to lose his files. I found a flaw with the ransomware and was able to get to the control panel to do a system restore from a point just a week before he got the virus. I saved him money and saved his files. And it only took about an hour.

    Reasons programmers are good at this stuff: we know how to break programs just as well as we know how to write them.
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