
I made this

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    Lawful evil because the Tory government's pandemic response ops use it to manage data about large fractions of the UK population.
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    Absolutely no.

    Nope nope nope.
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    No MySQL
    I never heard of firebase

    It's funny some oracle snob gave me an amused look years ago when i used the database backend most of the wrb used

    And then oracle bought MySQL
    And then oracle turned it into a pay product because their fucking database sucks
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    Oracle is the definition of evil
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    Oracle lawful good? Lmao
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    Lawful good Oracle is an oxymoron
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    Oracle is the worst. Darth Vader and emperor palpatine are qngels compared to oracle
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    Oracle is definitely lawful, the company employs more lawyers than programmers so you can bet they're *technically* lawful, but I'd put them as lawful evil. (or lawful neutral because I'm partial to my joke about the Excel infection record fiasco).
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    @AvatarOfKaine firebase is sticking urself to google. And idk about u guys but i despise that company as a developer. Also its all unique implementation and has high costs at bigger levels
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    Oracle is good when you have the right DBAs and devs who have been trained on how to work with the shit. Without the training and experience, it’s not friendly at all. As a dev I’ll never work on an Oracle project unless I get to interview their company’s DBA in advance.
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    Ms SQL is great though
    One of the triumph's of ms
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    @ComputerToucher @Linux @vintprox lawful good is about inventing the code, declaring it the only truth and following it religiously. Sounds like oracle to me! they'll tell you oracle is the only way
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    They only buy shit, what have they invented for the public good?
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